Use of health services and consumption of medicines. Absolute figures Place of the last doctor visit in the last 4 weeks, by sex and nationality. Population that has visited a doctor in the last 4 weeks Units: thousands of persons ,Total,Health/Medical Clinic,Outpatient Centre / Specialist Unit,Outpatient hospital visit,Accident and emergency service (hospital or non-hospital),Visit to a private doctor or a company,Home of the person interviewed,Another place,No data recorded, BOTH SEXES, Total,16,992.6,9,344.2,2,598.4,2,024.8,493.0,1,965.8,137.0,304.0,125.5, Spanish,15,534.8,8,561.2,2,324.9,1,910.4,429.1,1,827.1,124.9,272.1,85.2, Foreign,1,412.1,769.5,271.5,111.9,61.1,131.3,3.9,30.1,32.9, No data recorded,45.7,13.5,2.0,2.6,2.9,7.4,8.1,1.8,7.4, MALES, Total,7,286.4,3,887.5,1,075.4,913.7,261.6,844.9,60.1,188.4,54.7, Spanish,6,695.2,3,587.1,961.2,872.9,230.1,789.6,53.9,162.9,37.5, Foreign,572.8,296.3,114.2,39.9,31.5,53.2,0.3,23.6,13.8, No data recorded,18.4,4.1,0.0,0.9,0.0,2.1,6.0,1.8,3.4, FEMALES, Total,9,706.3,5,456.7,1,523.0,1,111.0,231.4,1,120.9,76.9,115.6,70.8, Spanish,8,839.7,4,974.1,1,363.7,1,037.5,199.0,1,037.6,71.1,109.1,47.8, Foreign,839.3,473.2,157.3,71.9,29.6,78.1,3.7,6.5,19.1, No data recorded,27.3,9.4,2.0,1.7,2.9,5.2,2.1,0.0,4.0, Notes: The symbol '.' shall be deemed as data which cannot be provided since it may be affected by sampling errors. The symbol '..' shall be deemed as data which is not collected. The symbol '...' shall be deemed as an 'error of division by zero'. Source: Ministry of Health and Consumption and INE