Aggression or abuse Place where the last aggression or mistreatment in the last 12 months took place, by sex. Population that has suffered aggression or mistreatment Units: percentages ,Total,At a place of leisure,At work or the centre of study,On the street,In the household,At another place, BOTH SEXES,100.00,9.14,33.05,27.45,18.41,11.95, MALES,100.00,13.82,36.61,31.79,6.40,11.38, FEMALES,100.00,4.27,29.34,22.94,30.90,12.54, Notes: 1) It refers to the last 12 months The symbol '.' shall be deemed as data which cannot be provided since it may be affected by sampling errors. The symbol '..' shall be deemed as data which is not collected. The symbol '...' shall be deemed as an 'error of division by zero'. Source: Ministry of Health and Consumption and INE