Population and Housing Censuses Results for municipalities with 1,000 to 10,000 inhabitants ┴vila: Units by unit type Units: units ,Total (unit type),Couple without children,Couple with children,Father with children,Mother with children, Total,17,796,6,514,9,059,596,1,627, 05002 Adrada, La,785,268,407,.,76, 05013 Arenal, El,289,132,139,.,., 05014 Arenas de San Pedro,2,048,773,1,049,107,119, 05016 Arévalo,2,264,680,1,283,.,280, 05021 Barco de Ávila, El,716,271,333,.,84, 05022 Barraco, El,654,252,318,.,59, 05041 Burgohondo,379,200,148,.,., 05047 Candeleda,1,603,662,733,.,154, 05054 Casavieja,444,187,210,.,., 05057 Cebreros,1,034,398,479,.,115, 05102 Hoyo de Pinares, El,703,283,350,.,40, 05114 Madrigal de las Altas Torres,482,162,239,.,56, 05132 Mombeltrán,332,121,157,.,54, 05163 Navaluenga,625,277,260,.,57, 05168 Navas del Marqués, Las,1,598,501,907,.,138, 05186 Piedrahíta,576,231,293,.,., 05187 Piedralaves,675,222,327,.,89, 05240 Sotillo de la Adrada,1,335,454,733,.,84, 05241 Tiemblo, El,1,252,440,693,.,98, Notes: .Data protected by statistical secrecy Source: National Statistics Institute