Encuesta de Fecundidad Preferences and motivations in terms of size of the family. Females, between 15-49 years. Average No. of children that females wish to have or have had size of municipality of residence currently number of live births (including possible pregnancy in progress). Units: children ,Total,None,One,Two,Three,Four,Five and more, Total,2.52,2.35,2.31,3.34,3.00,3.04,3.56, Up to 10,000 inhabitants,2.43,2.26,2.22,3.27,3.29,2.68,2.46, From 10,001 to 50,000 inhabitants,2.52,2.27,2.45,3.32,2.77,3.04,4.07, From 50,001 to 500,000 inhabitants,2.47,2.32,2.27,3.21,3.06,3.27,3.68, More than 500,000 inhabitants,2.71,2.59,2.30,3.69,2.88,2.68,3.18, Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute