Economically Active Population Survey illnesses Occupied persons or persons which had a job by number of work related illnesses during the last 12 months and sex. Units: absolute values in thousands ,Total,Total: %,Males,Males: %,Females,Females: %, Total,25,424.3,100.0,14,385.5,56.6,11,038.7,43.4, No illness,24,157.3,100.0,13,636.3,56.4,10,521.0,43.6, One illness,598.4,100.0,377.6,63.1,220.8,36.9, Two illnesses,17.1,100.0,10.0,58.2,7.2,41.8, Three illnesses,5.2,100.0,2.4,45.9,2.8,54.1, Four and more illnesses,6.8,100.0,3.1,45.9,3.7,54.1, No data recorded,639.5,100.0,356.2,55.7,283.3,44.3, Notes: 1) 1) ~'number of work related illnesses during the last 12 months,No data recorded'~Persons whose EEAPS information was copied from the previous quarter and therefore, the module blank. Source: National Statistics Institute