Living Conditions Survey (LCS) Conditions in the dwelling Households by access to public transport and size of the township Units: total percentages. ,Households using this service (percentage),Households using this service (thousands),With a great deal of difficulty,With some difficulty,With ease,With a great deal of ease,DN, Total,58.9,10,619.3,2.2,7.8,47.9,41.9,0.2, Less than 10,000 inhabitants,36.3,1,279.3,6.8,14.9,54.7,22.9,0.7, 10,000 to 50,000 inhabitants,44.5,2,086.3,1.9,11.5,52.2,34.1,0.2, 50,000 to 100,000 inhabitants,55.4,1,213.2,2.0,9.8,57.3,30.9,0.0, 100,000 to 500,000 inhabitants,73.0,3,332.5,2.0,5.3,43.2,49.4,0.1, Over 500,000 inhabitants,88.4,2,708.0,0.6,3.7,43.0,52.6,0.1, Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute