Survey on Households and the Environment Percentage of dwellings whose residents have adopted measures for reducing water consumption, by the Autonomous Community where the person resides and type of measure adopted (habits and devices) Units: % over the total number of dwellings ,With at least one habit,Recycle water,Keep a bottle of cold water in the refrigerator,Defrost food ahead of time,Fill the sink before doing the washing up,Wait until the dishwasher / washing machine are full,Decrease the flow of the taps,Keeping a waste basket in the bathroom,With at least one device,Mixer / thermostat tap,Other economising devices,Discharge-limiting mechanisms for cisterns, TOTAL,96.9,22.9,64.2,86.6,38.8,81.9,30.8,54.7,73.1,65.6,17.0,34.0, Less than 1,100 Euros,94.9,24.4,58.3,81.5,42.2,73.2,29.7,51.6,57.1,49.8,10.4,20.5, From 1,101 to 1.800 euros,97.1,23.3,65.1,87.2,39.4,82.9,31.4,56.9,76.1,68.5,18.2,34.7, From 1,801 to 2,700 euros,98.2,19.2,64.3,89.8,35.5,87.3,31.5,54.8,82.0,75.8,22.7,42.3, More than 2,700 euros,98.7,22.6,65.6,92.2,34.2,90.5,32.2,57.8,86.7,78.7,25.9,49.6, Does not know/ Does not answer,97.2,23.1,68.0,87.1,38.4,83.0,30.3,54.3,75.2,67.3,15.6,35.9, Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute