Survey on Households and the Environment Percentage of dwellings whose residents use specific products, by net monthly household income and frequency of use Units: % over the total number of dwellings ,Use throwaway products,Use throwaway products fairly often,Use recycled paper,Use recycled paper fairly often,Use returnable containers,Use returnable containers fairly often,Use rechargable batteries,Use rechargable batteries fairly often, TOTAL,89.5,57.2,33.4,13.5,27.8,12.6,50.5,29.5, Less than 1,100 Euros,82.4,46.1,20.1,7.3,23.8,10.3,29.8,14.3, From 1,101 to 1.800 euros,92.1,61.1,34.8,13.1,28.5,13.6,52.8,30.1, From 1,801 to 2,700 euros,93.6,66.1,40.3,16.9,26.0,12.7,60.7,39.0, More than 2,700 euros,93.9,62.6,47.8,22.0,30.0,13.4,68.7,45.9, Does not know/ Does not answer,89.6,56.6,35.6,14.7,31.2,13.5,55.3,32.1, Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute