Statistics on Book Publishing Production Books printed in Spain Number of copies of printed works in Spain edited abroad (thousands) by subject categories and language of publication. Units: Number of copies (thousands) ;Total;Castilian;German;French;English;Italian;Portuguese;Other languages; Total;439;165;4;73;48;11;131;7; 1 Generalities;2;1;.;1;0;.;.;.; 2 Philosophy, psychology;38;25;.;5;6;.;1;1; 3 Religion, theology;99;52;0;4;21;.;22;.; 4 Sociology, statistics;8;1;2;1;2;2;.;.; 5 Political sciences, Economical Sciences;9;4;.;1;1;.;3;.; 6 Law, public adminstration, social work and care, insurance;7;1;.;.;.;.;6;.; 7 Art and military service;0;0;.;.;.;.;.;.; 8 Education, teaching, training, distractions;2;.;.;.;.;.;1;1; 10 Ethnography, cultural anthropology (customs, folklore...);1;1;.;.;.;.;.;.; 11 Mathematics;2;1;.;.;.;1;.;.; 12 Natural sciences;3;1;.;2;.;.;.;.; 13 Medical, health sciences;83;26;.;3;7;2;45;.; 14 Engineering, technology, industries, trades;1;.;.;.;.;1;.;0; 15 Agriculture, forestry, livestock, hunting, fishing;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.; 16 Domestic science;110;14;.;46;5;.;45;.; 17 Management, administration and organisation;1;1;.;.;.;.;.;.; 18 Conditioning of the territory, town planning, architecture;1;.;.;.;.;1;.;.; 19 Plastic and graphic arts, photography;10;6;.;1;.;.;1;2; 20 Music, performing arts, theatre, films and cinema;4;3;.;.;.;.;1;.; 21 Toys and sports;6;4;.;.;.;.;2;.; 22 Philology, languages, linguistics;6;1;.;.;2;.;.;3; 23 Literature, history and literary criticism;38;22;1;4;4;4;3;.; 24 Geography;5;.;.;5;.;.;.;.; 25 History, biography;3;1;1;.;.;.;1;.; Notes: .Data protected by statistical secrecy Source: National Statistics Institute