High Technology Indicators Tables according to approach by sectors Expenditure on innovative activities in high tech sectors by sectors and type of innovative activity. Units: thousands of euros and percentage ;Total;I+D Interna (%);I+D Externa (%);Otras actividades innovadoras (%);Coste laboral del personal interno trabajando en innovaci¢n % (2);Otros gastos corrientes (adquisici¢n de servicios, materiales y suministros para innovaci¢n);Gastos de capital para innovaci¢n (adquisici¢n de maquinaria, equipo, software, derechos de propiedad intelectual, edificios, etc.) %; High and medium-high technology manufacturing sectors;5,589,265;50.45;20.07;29.48;2.77;5.82;20.88; High tech manufacturing sectors;2,163,897;64.54;17.71;17.75;2.62;4.71;10.42; 21 Manufacture of Pharmaceutical Products;1,302,886;57.73;20.99;21.27;3.75;7.04;10.48; 26 Manufacture of computers, electronic and optical products;233,112;80.95;7.82;11.24;2.40;4.27;4.57; 303 Manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft;627,899;72.56;14.57;12.87;0.37;0.02;12.48; Intermediate-high tech manufacturing sectors;3,425,368;41.55;21.57;36.89;2.87;6.53;27.49; 20 Chemical industry;440,634;62.94;4.72;32.34;3.11;6.38;22.85; 254 Manufacture of weapons and ammunition;.;.;.;.;.;.;.; 27-29 Manufacture of electrical material and equipment Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers;2,743,526;35.33;24.99;39.68;2.84;6.82;30.03; 30-301-303 Manufacture of other transport equipment, except: naval construction aircraft and spacecraft construction and machinery thereof;174,762;76.23;15.81;7.96;0.70;1.81;5.46; 325 Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies;..;..;..;..;..;..;..; High tech or state-of-the-art services;4,903,106;51.74;8.17;40.09;6.42;5.20;28.47; 59-63 Motion picture, video and tv programme activities, sound recording and music edition Radio and tv programming and broadcasting activities Telecommunications Programming, consultancy and other activities related to IT Information services;3,030,550;29.29;7.40;63.31;10.01;7.54;45.77; 72 Research and development;1,872,555;88.09;9.42;2.50;0.60;1.41;0.49; Total high and medium-high technology sectors;10,492,371;51.05;14.51;34.44;4.48;5.53;24.43; Total business sector;18,688,949;43.03;11.70;45.27;5.17;9.63;30.47; Notes: .Data protected by statistical secrecy 1) Source: Technological Innovation in Companies Survey Source: National Statistics Institute