Survey on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Households Use of ICT products by persons Internet users in the last 3 months who have not used file-storing spaces online in that period by Autonomous City and Community and reasons for not using them Unidades: Number of persons (aged 16 to 74 years) and horizontal percentages Total number of Internet users in the last 3 months who have not used file-storing spaces during this period Because I save files in my own devices or e-mail accounts or I never or almot never save my files Because I share files using other means (e-mail, social media, USB memory) or never use files online with other people Lack of knowledge about using said file-storing spaces Security and privacy reasons Lack of reliability from service providers National Total 17.754.192 27,4 20 12,9 15,5 9,7 AndalucÝa 3.319.031 15,9 11,7 9,7 9,6 5,2 Arag¾n 517.058 33,7 30,4 20,3 18,1 14 Asturias, Principado de 425.895 27,8 21,8 15,7 14,1 9,3 Balears, Illes 488.042 25 17,7 9,6 14,8 9 Canarias 898.203 17,1 17,1 8,4 7,9 6,7 Cantabria 215.438 30,8 25,6 18,6 21,6 13,8 Castilla y Le¾n 987.295 29,3 22,1 18,1 17,3 14,1 Castilla-La Mancha 731.959 31,9 27,7 15,3 17,9 10,2 Catalu±a 2.759.436 30,8 18,3 12,9 14,2 7,3 Comunitat Valenciana 1.757.661 26,1 19,8 12,9 14,7 10 Extremadura 388.965 24,2 13,8 7,5 12,7 9,1 Galicia 896.255 32,3 26,2 13,2 22,1 12,6 Madrid, Comunidad de 2.536.311 38,6 25,7 13,8 24 15,9 Murcia, Regi¾n de 583.009 28,4 21,1 14,3 13,6 11,2 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 231.125 28,2 22,8 12,8 16 10,2 PaÝs Vasco 841.157 28,6 22,8 16,5 17,3 6,7 Rioja, La 121.217 29,3 21,8 11,3 18,7 11,7 Ceuta 30.810 4,4 4 3,2 7,8 3,2 Melilla 25.327 18,3 12 15,3 20,8 13,1 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute