Survey on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Households Use of ICT products by persons Use of e-commerce by Autonomous City and Community and last purchase Unidades: Number of persons (aged 16 to 74 years) and horizontal percentages Total Persons who have purchased via the Internet at least once In the last month More than 1 month and less than 3 months ago More than 3 months and less than 1 year ago More than 1 year ago National Total 14.900.462 39,7 24 22,9 13,4 AndalucÝa 2.196.151 36,7 28,9 23,5 10,9 Arag¾n 429.858 52,8 20,2 15,5 11,5 Asturias, Principado de 322.091 47 19,5 19,1 14,3 Balears, Illes 427.427 39 21,2 30,5 9,3 Canarias 568.468 30,4 18,5 29,6 21,4 Cantabria 210.913 34,4 31,5 22,2 11,9 Castilla y Le¾n 670.982 35,2 27,7 24,1 13,1 Castilla-La Mancha 633.900 42,2 24 23 10,7 Catalu±a 2.854.332 34,9 22,8 28,7 13,5 Comunitat Valenciana 1.396.687 44,2 20,5 19,1 16,1 Extremadura 282.376 43,6 25 18,2 13,2 Galicia 810.420 46 19,2 22,3 12,5 Madrid, Comunidad de 2.437.505 41,6 26,6 19,1 12,7 Murcia, Regi¾n de 441.788 43,4 19,6 20,7 16,3 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 222.777 39,9 23,5 20,5 16,1 PaÝs Vasco 855.824 40,8 24,4 18,5 16,3 Rioja, La 98.120 40,3 24,6 21,8 13,3 Ceuta 22.071 21,1 19,2 29,2 30,5 Melilla 18.769 44,8 18,9 30,9 5,5 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute