Survey on Support Centres for Homeless Persons Centres offering catering service Number of canteen available vacancies and number of breakfasts, lunches and dinners served as of 16 June and 15 December by Autonomous Community Unidades: absolute value Canteen available vacancies Number of breakfasts served Number of lunches served Number of dinners served Total number of services 16 June 15 December 16 June 15 December 16 June 15 December 16 June 15 December 16 June 15 December Andalucía 2.770 3.307 1.689 1.910 1.689 2.102 1.547 1.795 4.925 5.807 Aragón 770 786 430 469 607 700 294 339 1.331 1.508 Asturias, Principado de 518 516 254 256 597 631 533 537 1.384 1.424 Balears, Illes 982 950 5.520 5.979 592 555 3.839 3.793 9.951 10.327 Canarias 903 900 1.196 2.303 1.338 2.512 1.042 2.312 3.576 7.127 Cantabria 322 322 122 112 260 268 174 168 556 548 Castilla y León 1.294 1.295 589 601 816 826 607 623 2.012 2.050 Castilla-La Mancha 355 355 212 215 244 241 234 214 690 670 Cataluña 1.990 1.987 890 887 1.632 1.666 933 937 3.455 3.490 Comunitat Valenciana 1.522 1.567 610 634 1.230 1.179 537 534 2.377 2.347 Extremadura 309 309 93 100 321 340 93 101 507 541 Galicia 1.617 1.721 515 533 1.558 1.552 641 635 2.714 2.720 Madrid, Comunidad de 3.383 3.789 1.634 1.852 2.138 2.381 1.093 1.322 4.865 5.555 Murcia, Región de 681 685 534 567 631 610 494 568 1.659 1.745 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 409 425 303 297 346 362 322 302 971 961 País Vasco 2.030 2.104 967 996 1.642 1.603 1.161 1.157 3.770 3.756 Rioja, La 167 162 43 39 108 128 89 120 240 287 Ceuta 838 744 838 744 838 744 838 744 2.514 2.232 Melilla 1.971 1.150 1.939 1.124 1.939 1.124 1.939 1.124 5.817 3.372 National Total 22.831 23.074 18.378 19.618 18.526 19.524 16.410 17.325 53.314 56.467 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute