Encuesta de Fecundidad Married or with stable partner Females between 15 and 49 years, married or with stable partner economic activity of the spouse number of live births. Unidades: absolute figures Total None One Two Three Four Five and more Average Total 7.251.828 2.189.736 1.410.788 2.542.179 822.731 184.331 102.062 1,42 Employed Total 6.292.052 1.761.217 1.278.364 2.308.823 717.335 148.663 77.649 1,44 Self-employed workers 1.430.674 302.469 256.363 596.469 219.183 39.801 16.390 1,65 Total employed/employees 4.768.775 1.420.805 1.004.440 1.688.436 493.107 102.356 59.631 1,38 Permanent employed/employee 3.416.283 809.602 741.826 1.374.289 377.980 70.444 42.142 1,5 Temporary employed/employee 1.352.492 611.202 262.614 314.147 115.127 31.912 17.489 1,08 Employed another situation 92.602 37.944 17.561 23.918 5.045 6.506 1.628 1,24 Unemployed in searching for a job. 458.306 132.739 82.889 141.077 67.209 19.948 14.444 1,6 Students 224.088 221.805 2.283 .. .. .. .. 0,01 Retired persons, pensioners 135.776 16.965 23.633 48.594 29.438 13.006 4.139 2,09 Another situation 141.607 57.010 23.619 43.685 8.749 2.714 5.830 1,25 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute