Encuesta de Fecundidad Married or with stable partner Females between 15 and 49 years, married or with stable partner economic activity of the spouse number of live births. Unidades: relative figures Total None One Two Three Four Five and more Total 100 30,2 19,45 35,06 11,35 2,54 1,41 Employed Total 100 27,99 20,32 36,69 11,4 2,36 1,23 Self-employed workers 100 21,14 17,92 41,69 15,32 2,78 1,15 Total employed/employees 100 29,79 21,06 35,41 10,34 2,15 1,25 Permanent employed/employee 100 23,7 21,71 40,23 11,06 2,06 1,23 Temporary employed/employee 100 45,19 19,42 23,23 8,51 2,36 1,29 Employed another situation 100 40,98 18,96 25,83 5,45 7,03 1,76 Unemployed in searching for a job. 100 28,96 18,09 30,78 14,66 4,35 3,15 Students 100 98,98 1,02 .. .. .. .. Retired persons, pensioners 100 12,5 17,41 35,79 21,68 9,58 3,05 Another situation 100 40,26 16,68 30,85 6,18 1,92 4,12 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute