Statistics on Products in the Services Sector Transport Freight transport by road and removal services (Group 494 CNAE2009): automobile fleet and occupation sections Unidades: specified in variables Total Less than 2 from 2 to 4 from 5 to 19 from 20 to 99 More than 99 years NUMBER OF COMPANIES 101.113 60.241 28.883 10.103 1.760 126 Number of lorries and vans 136.166 45.773 37.852 34.484 15.329 2.728 Number of trailers 27.888 4.728 5.597 9.851 6.454 1.258 Number of semi-trailers 136.014 16.074 25.082 34.735 35.526 24.597 Number of driving trailers 124.233 19.418 26.211 34.591 30.981 13.033 Global Positioning Systems (GPS) 65.880 3.732 5.327 13.218 24.687 18.916 radio 19.939 4.684 5.728 5.395 3.654 477 Connection to a loading system 10.759 710 557 2.967 3.290 3.235 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute