Statistics on Products in the Services Sector Transport Freight transport by road and removal services (Group 494 CNAE2009): breakdown of turnover according to activity sector of the client and occupation brackets Unidades: Thousand euros Total Less than 2 From 2 to 4 From 5 to 19 From 20 to 99 More than 99 years Total 31.208.266 3.884.532 5.063.094 8.193.039 8.063.026 6.004.576 P.A. 349.690 43.316 35.369 114.324 117.420 39.261 Agriculture and livestock 2.649.936 213.137 567.592 633.349 691.665 544.193 Industry 8.557.097 722.571 1.079.560 1.915.917 2.646.586 2.192.463 Construction 2.203.115 411.666 497.800 857.696 355.836 80.117 Trade 4.154.097 469.567 523.570 1.041.280 1.047.353 1.072.327 Accommodation and Catering 472.362 48.699 53.636 123.701 126.262 120.064 Transports 11.880.480 1.876.522 2.201.086 3.226.538 2.823.340 1.752.995 Telecommunications and information technologies 70.224 6.276 13.963 19.297 13.910 16.777 Business services 242.186 45.949 10.955 76.633 90.630 18.019 Banks and Insurance 125.613 2.359 31.391 19.803 40.621 31.438 Households 300.386 41.937 35.030 116.825 84.580 22.015 Others 203.080 2.533 13.142 47.675 24.823 114.906 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute