Private Education Financing and Expenditure Statistic GLOBAL RESULTS. NON-UNIVERSITY STRUCTURE Students by Autonomous Communities and Cities and Size of the centre Units: students TOTAL Up to 100 students From 101 to 500 students From 501 to 1000 students More than 1000 students National Total 2,447,551 183,501 638,437 874,814 750,799 01 Andalucía 362,299 42,492 103,405 134,434 81,968 02 Aragón 66,478 4,829 15,492 26,515 19,642 03 Asturias, Principado de 37,601 1,452 12,516 12,118 11,515 04 Balears, Illes 59,273 2,076 23,778 15,561 17,858 05 Canarias 77,455 2,179 20,034 26,237 29,005 06 Cantabria 26,943 1,000 9,619 . . 07 Castilla y León 116,536 4,922 32,484 54,161 24,969 08 Castilla - La Mancha 64,849 7,920 24,011 24,478 8,440 09 Cataluña 445,438 31,356 114,386 169,119 130,577 10 Comunitat Valenciana 262,010 17,084 81,268 91,343 72,315 11 Extremadura 37,388 1,734 10,622 15,830 9,202 12 Galicia 117,276 14,687 43,469 36,091 23,029 13 Madrid, Comunidad de 477,193 41,135 79,472 143,906 212,680 14 Murcia, Región de 72,325 3,759 18,041 25,023 25,502 15 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 36,259 722 7,408 12,335 15,794 16 País Vasco 165,981 4,929 37,444 65,028 58,580 17 Rioja, La 15,784 763 . 6,583 . 18 Ceuta 3,886 . . 2,987 .. 19 Melilla 2,577 . .. . .. Notes: .Data protected by statistical secrecy 1) '.' Data protected by statistical secrecy '..' Data value is zero Source: National Statistics Institute