Statistics on Products in the Services Sector Transport Passenger road transport (Classes 4931, 4939 CNAE2009): breakdown of turnover by geographical scope and occupation section Unidades: Thousand euros Total Less than 2 From 2 to 4 From 5 to 19 From 20 to 99 More than 99 years Total 7.010.381 102.090 144.554 793.411 1.589.301 4.381.025 - Local 4.320.449 31.591 63.706 293.351 660.180 3.271.620 - National 2.556.188 66.114 78.627 461.432 853.344 1.096.671 - International 133.744 4.385 2.220 38.627 75.777 12.735 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute