Statistics on Products in the Services Sector Transport Freight transport by road and removal services (Group 494 CNAE2009): breakdown of turnover according to activity sector of the client and occupation brackets Unidades: Thousand euros Total Less than 2 From 2 to 4 From 5 to 19 From 20 to 99 More than 99 years Total 31.141.035 4.355.595 3.732.988 7.847.035 8.470.908 6.734.508 P.A. 381.151 35.906 29.931 114.245 165.811 35.257 Agriculture and livestock 2.653.707 272.524 265.194 776.618 503.690 835.681 Industry 7.762.017 777.373 771.597 1.783.491 2.484.775 1.944.781 Construction 2.311.111 331.064 427.513 826.300 529.824 196.411 Trade 4.371.236 793.264 333.569 850.257 1.152.809 1.241.336 Accommodation and Catering 718.823 115.680 67.738 94.076 176.583 264.746 Transports 11.768.483 1.925.406 1.712.786 3.102.225 3.038.575 1.989.491 Telecommunications and information technologies 244.698 13.462 2.696 12.484 76.169 139.887 Business services 234.786 35.538 12.432 101.251 71.247 14.318 Banks and Insurance 118.990 2.679 32.551 29.094 50.743 3.923 Households 358.762 48.491 74.201 91.381 122.072 22.617 Others 217.271 4.207 2.781 65.613 98.611 46.059 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute