High Technology Indicators Main economic variables and indicators Indicators related to R+D in companies by type of indicator and high tech sectors. Unidades: specified in variables high tech sectors: Manufacturing Sector: High Technology High tech sectors: Manufacturing Sector: Medium-High Technology High tech sectors: High Tech Services high tech sectors: Total Personnel in R+D (in FTE) 10.560,6 16.009,9 32.595,9 59.166,3 %(Personnel) with respect to total sectors in AYMAT 17,8 27,1 55,1 152,3 %(Personnel) with respect to total in all business sectors 11,7 17,8 36,2 100 Researchers (in FTE) 5.883,5 7.406,1 19.110,4 32.400,1 %(Researchers) with respect to total sectors in AYMAT 18,2 22,9 59 145,7 %(Researchers) with respect to total in all Business sectors 12,5 15,7 40,5 52,4 Expenditure on internal R+D (thousands of euros) 1.206.724 1.273.795 2.352.286 4.832.806 %(R+D expenditure) with respect to total sectors in AYMAT 25 26,4 48,7 147,5 %(R+D expenditure) with respect to total in all Business sectors 16,9 17,9 33 100 Expenditure on internal R+D/Researchers 205,1 172 123,1 150,9 Expenditure on internal R+D/Turnoverx100 4,3 1,3 7,7 3,1 Notas: Sources: Technological Innovation in Companies Survey Statistic on Scientific Research and Technological Development (R&D). The scope the former is formed by the agricultural, industrial, construction construction and services companies, with 10 or more employees the R+D Statistics also consider companies from the primary sector, and companies with less than 10 employees. FTE: Full time equivalent Fuente: National Statistics Institute