Statistics on Biotechnology Use Personnel costs Personnel employed in R&D in Biotechnology (on FTE) by field of operation, occupation and sex. Unidades: On a full-time equivalent Total FTE Researchers FTE Technicans/Assistants FTE Total Females Total Females Total Females Total 26.692,1 15.343,5 16.693,3 9.002,9 9.998,8 6.340,6 Public Administration 10.337,9 6.461,1 5.616,2 3.249,3 4.721,7 3.211,8 Higher education 8.497,2 4.337,4 6.496,1 3.148 2.001,1 1.189,4 Business 7.750,8 4.471,4 4.518,1 2.562,7 3.232,7 1.908,7 PNPI 106,2 73,6 62,9 42,9 43,3 30,7 Notas: FTE: Full Time Equivalent Fuente: National Statistics Institute