Statistics on Biotechnology Use Personnel costs Total internal expenditure on R&D in Biotechnology by field of operation and source of the funds. Units: thousands of euros Total Public Administration Higher education Business PNPI Abroad Total 1,783,011 806,949 81,345 680,408 24,673 189,635 Public Administration 596,928 448,950 1,380 77,770 11,426 57,401 Higher education 411,163 258,952 79,692 28,349 6,679 37,492 Business 769,431 96,809 197 573,461 4,766 94,197 PNPI 5,489 2,239 75 828 1,803 545 Notes: 1) '.'=numeric piece of data equal to zero not resulting from rounding Source: National Statistics Institute