Hotel Occupancy Survey Supply Occupancy rate of bed-places at weekends by Autonomous City and Community, category and month. Units: % Total January February March April May June July August September October November December 01 Andalucía Total 63.94 45.35 53.32 59.53 62.72 65.28 70.03 72.81 75.53 70.93 65.28 53.65 53.64 Total gold stars 66.34 47.66 55.64 61.73 65.11 67.36 72.52 75.35 77.68 73.07 67.56 56.17 55.70 Five gold stars 61.89 40.42 47.77 54.62 61.11 63.42 70.62 71.54 76.53 71.84 68.25 53.12 49.66 Four gold stars 69.14 49.82 58.11 63.49 65.96 68.46 74.84 79.27 81.24 75.64 69.36 58.20 58.99 Three gold stars 66.75 50.60 57.63 64.58 69.25 70.14 73.68 72.68 74.12 73.01 69.06 57.95 56.23 Two gold stars 51.90 37.55 43.92 50.58 54.13 55.94 55.53 57.48 61.74 56.64 53.12 45.86 44.79 One gold star 50.65 37.09 44.45 50.39 52.77 57.81 53.58 51.12 59.83 55.25 51.45 45.00 43.81 Total silver stars 46.18 31.32 37.63 43.47 44.19 48.89 50.03 52.85 58.14 52.99 46.82 38.61 41.96 Two and three silver stars 48.36 32.05 40.47 45.43 44.62 53.29 52.47 57.36 57.72 53.26 50.35 44.04 42.33 One silver star 44.73 30.81 35.63 42.14 43.90 45.97 48.44 49.97 58.42 52.80 44.55 35.11 41.72 02 Aragón Total 53.31 35.68 52.11 56.06 52.60 49.90 56.75 56.14 61.03 56.87 57.21 48.51 53.45 Total gold stars 58.05 39.33 57.61 61.49 56.55 55.32 61.99 59.96 65.13 61.55 62.66 53.86 58.03 Five gold stars 48.25 37.30 40.48 43.33 51.60 47.94 51.40 50.52 63.85 58.30 64.20 45.26 33.80 Four gold stars 65.67 43.55 62.14 70.93 63.68 66.82 69.42 63.55 69.95 71.44 71.69 67.23 66.58 Three gold stars 60.27 42.71 61.48 63.65 58.70 57.12 63.80 61.19 66.62 61.89 65.72 56.18 61.53 Two gold stars 50.69 31.46 48.59 49.44 51.28 46.07 56.35 58.10 60.25 56.02 54.70 40.85 48.20 One gold star 41.46 24.86 50.31 49.38 36.32 29.72 44.84 49.93 53.30 38.50 37.27 29.21 46.19 Total silver stars 36.02 21.71 30.87 35.43 37.92 31.23 37.87 41.62 46.27 39.89 37.48 30.82 37.15 Two and three silver stars 36.04 21.39 31.61 34.67 39.29 31.78 39.50 40.75 47.95 39.26 37.26 28.22 36.12 One silver star 35.93 22.82 27.94 38.45 32.67 29.25 31.97 44.81 39.67 42.14 38.21 39.30 41.16 03 Asturias, Principado de Total 52.01 25.16 35.92 44.87 48.63 45.42 56.08 68.22 74.90 62.00 53.12 40.83 41.54 Total gold stars 54.20 26.39 37.55 47.71 50.72 46.89 58.73 70.03 77.24 64.67 55.43 43.34 43.22 Five gold stars 52.42 42.47 39.76 49.65 48.69 45.79 47.99 59.54 75.16 64.04 59.62 42.09 44.43 Four gold stars 60.91 31.13 49.88 55.56 57.08 57.82 64.22 78.71 77.55 75.31 67.23 51.77 52.77 Three gold stars 54.32 23.79 31.34 50.36 50.38 46.62 58.83 66.71 75.62 64.68 59.22 49.22 41.85 Two gold stars 49.54 16.96 30.63 37.19 48.45 40.58 58.68 69.65 81.79 57.30 39.01 27.35 31.19 One gold star 44.08 24.51 23.57 30.45 38.33 32.41 47.47 62.58 71.69 52.60 44.06 30.21 37.12 Total silver stars 32.86 15.70 22.28 20.94 30.38 31.23 31.22 51.81 54.47 38.24 31.12 20.76 27.99 Two and three silver stars 34.63 15.46 13.99 18.12 32.66 39.46 35.31 49.17 58.20 38.24 35.41 22.03 27.96 One silver star 30.82 15.93 30.19 23.64 27.78 21.96 26.28 55.34 49.46 38.24 26.60 19.42 28.01 04 Balears, Illes Total 76.81 33.69 42.93 53.57 71.74 66.42 84.26 88.32 89.70 81.47 64.85 51.30 48.37 Total gold stars 77.23 34.23 43.49 54.26 72.23 66.84 84.67 88.64 89.97 81.70 65.23 52.58 49.79 Five gold stars 65.36 31.92 39.26 39.03 62.77 57.93 78.58 78.33 80.19 70.67 56.89 46.88 55.36 Four gold stars 76.72 41.60 45.54 52.64 72.61 66.00 84.69 88.67 90.57 81.12 64.88 54.63 49.78 Three gold stars 80.73 24.51 44.84 63.71 74.86 70.18 86.57 90.91 91.49 84.39 67.49 62.97 55.13 Two gold stars 71.45 . . 58.63 65.18 60.42 76.76 85.07 84.57 78.27 57.28 . . One gold star 79.06 . . 54.26 70.67 51.75 89.33 78.46 91.10 84.77 78.31 . . Total silver stars 67.22 29.07 31.95 30.94 60.70 56.19 74.47 80.90 83.47 76.20 54.66 38.95 27.56 Two and three silver stars 66.05 41.34 49.86 51.31 49.71 46.03 74.41 74.37 82.94 71.04 56.22 54.79 15.12 One silver star 67.89 25.19 25.22 20.73 66.97 62.24 74.50 85.11 83.81 79.49 53.96 34.62 30.57 05 Canarias Total 73.45 70.56 71.34 73.00 72.82 67.48 74.74 80.19 81.56 75.22 74.25 71.09 69.15 Total gold stars 73.63 70.70 71.46 73.13 73.03 67.66 74.96 80.44 81.82 75.43 74.48 71.25 69.28 Five gold stars 72.53 68.71 68.39 70.76 72.76 68.68 69.58 80.09 83.00 72.81 74.86 71.39 68.41 Four gold stars 75.61 72.02 72.80 74.31 75.03 69.61 78.30 82.47 83.39 78.60 76.75 73.56 70.56 Three gold stars 69.63 68.21 69.60 71.51 68.39 63.38 70.90 76.14 78.28 69.44 68.76 65.10 66.09 Two gold stars 64.96 70.09 69.55 69.04 65.24 46.09 59.25 69.10 63.35 62.15 67.40 67.80 71.85 One gold star 78.05 78.44 80.54 80.57 79.53 72.20 73.06 81.73 85.11 80.26 70.33 80.72 74.00 Total silver stars 45.81 50.30 53.21 54.66 41.94 41.95 42.33 42.09 41.65 44.73 40.56 46.73 49.42 Two and three silver stars 49.89 58.55 64.09 55.30 46.08 46.23 44.28 46.17 45.33 48.58 42.36 54.45 47.03 One silver star 43.58 45.60 47.17 54.32 39.89 39.69 41.27 39.77 39.58 42.53 39.60 42.49 50.76 06 Cantabria Total 58.21 33.08 44.43 49.34 53.73 52.56 61.62 74.77 75.31 64.10 60.39 45.76 45.11 Total gold stars 63.66 35.99 51.38 56.33 58.45 58.08 66.90 78.91 79.67 68.96 68.62 51.94 51.17 Five gold stars 70.83 . . . 57.20 69.54 79.62 84.68 77.50 71.06 55.69 . . Four gold stars 70.24 40.57 60.48 66.49 68.15 65.09 77.93 84.78 84.28 79.49 77.67 62.29 60.38 Three gold stars 61.50 31.62 45.81 54.93 52.53 56.79 66.58 78.75 77.03 67.69 67.13 46.38 44.81 Two gold stars 56.17 37.98 38.43 35.57 49.45 45.43 53.66 71.15 77.53 57.22 55.51 38.96 53.21 One gold star 54.23 16.19 26.90 34.82 54.23 50.05 47.21 74.95 79.36 56.60 56.42 45.31 15.64 Total silver stars 41.82 25.40 25.81 28.47 38.23 33.32 44.71 62.66 62.71 48.83 36.01 27.33 29.19 Two and three silver stars 42.27 24.24 24.78 26.20 41.55 36.29 46.78 63.16 59.57 49.07 35.77 29.66 28.73 One silver star 40.88 27.79 27.87 32.52 31.74 27.67 40.03 61.60 69.80 48.30 36.53 22.61 30.05 07 Castilla y León Total 50.82 32.47 41.83 48.90 53.08 52.44 55.18 54.49 60.34 57.57 55.84 46.93 46.33 Total gold stars 58.61 38.42 48.80 57.31 60.16 60.16 63.17 62.54 68.13 66.64 64.43 55.76 53.46 Five gold stars 61.52 41.67 64.77 57.36 61.79 56.59 56.93 65.97 60.70 70.60 72.28 69.03 59.42 Four gold stars 67.55 45.72 57.90 66.91 67.74 71.79 72.89 70.46 76.77 75.76 74.41 65.02 62.46 Three gold stars 57.62 35.80 46.21 56.16 59.89 58.96 62.51 61.72 66.71 66.37 63.71 54.37 51.61 Two gold stars 41.67 25.42 29.62 40.36 46.50 40.06 47.28 47.57 54.56 47.52 45.00 35.63 36.11 One gold star 33.25 23.76 29.01 28.11 33.23 30.87 34.59 40.56 46.89 39.62 32.85 30.58 26.36 Total silver stars 33.12 18.10 25.81 29.90 37.12 35.17 37.09 36.65 43.03 36.83 36.13 26.94 30.01 Two and three silver stars 37.35 18.91 29.00 32.48 41.51 40.01 39.88 43.28 47.35 41.03 43.48 31.86 33.92 One silver star 27.87 17.10 21.88 26.72 31.83 29.29 33.57 28.48 37.71 31.64 26.51 20.46 25.38 08 Castilla - La Mancha Total 43.92 28.34 38.17 42.32 47.02 45.37 49.23 44.34 45.28 49.16 50.42 44.40 40.87 Total gold stars 54.57 35.40 48.50 53.40 58.06 55.69 61.96 54.24 55.33 60.52 62.07 55.38 51.35 Five gold stars 65.74 55.81 70.42 66.51 56.90 62.83 69.52 71.88 62.27 57.84 78.75 70.98 64.90 Four gold stars 66.41 49.67 64.33 66.01 67.72 68.67 74.86 64.36 63.83 72.29 73.08 68.10 62.40 Three gold stars 56.43 31.60 45.79 53.74 62.58 58.15 65.96 55.03 58.48 63.53 65.63 57.54 53.05 Two gold stars 39.85 21.84 33.35 41.36 45.80 40.08 43.89 41.09 42.01 46.07 44.58 38.29 36.64 One gold star 28.67 16.92 23.59 24.99 28.16 27.90 33.27 36.05 35.45 28.75 37.29 28.52 23.16 Total silver stars 23.83 15.45 20.14 22.31 26.49 26.01 24.81 25.37 25.42 26.86 27.82 23.49 21.09 Two and three silver stars 27.80 16.71 24.34 26.15 29.85 27.97 29.97 30.19 29.63 30.87 32.77 27.96 25.99 One silver star 16.82 13.36 12.74 15.53 20.43 22.45 15.70 16.57 17.40 19.74 18.79 15.92 13.31 09 Cataluña Total 67.06 46.52 58.20 60.74 66.11 63.77 74.38 79.34 80.09 71.25 66.39 55.11 53.37 Total gold stars 68.79 47.34 59.18 62.38 67.89 65.63 76.08 81.56 81.83 73.06 67.96 56.28 54.48 Five gold stars 60.97 37.12 50.59 51.99 67.08 61.85 72.93 81.46 77.29 70.49 68.74 46.61 43.33 Four gold stars 71.12 48.56 61.18 65.21 71.72 71.05 78.70 83.83 84.79 75.37 70.75 57.04 55.14 Three gold stars 71.91 53.65 63.64 65.60 68.09 64.28 77.67 83.39 83.36 75.30 68.15 61.94 59.30 Two gold stars 57.96 39.61 51.35 54.47 51.76 48.83 64.79 70.62 72.12 60.57 58.29 52.08 50.85 One gold star 54.64 39.75 50.41 52.12 55.20 49.75 60.39 66.09 64.12 54.90 52.08 45.89 50.84 Total silver stars 49.29 39.64 50.32 46.24 47.66 42.85 54.38 54.59 60.29 50.13 48.79 45.45 43.82 Two and three silver stars 47.30 37.52 49.03 42.60 43.93 42.37 52.07 54.12 58.38 48.53 45.73 42.07 44.66 One silver star 52.51 43.16 52.48 52.86 54.93 43.59 57.93 55.31 63.20 52.44 53.90 51.37 42.53 10 Comunitat Valenciana Total 68.27 47.66 58.82 65.20 69.31 68.19 77.85 81.06 81.63 72.69 69.84 61.10 53.19 Total gold stars 69.89 49.03 60.64 66.85 70.89 69.54 79.33 82.57 83.03 74.39 71.51 62.77 55.03 Five gold stars 64.89 35.03 50.67 61.09 59.38 60.54 76.02 86.93 82.40 72.41 72.75 61.42 52.22 Four gold stars 72.19 48.75 61.99 69.33 73.39 73.58 83.39 84.41 84.89 78.52 73.87 66.31 56.26 Three gold stars 70.88 55.88 64.19 69.20 73.53 70.52 77.81 81.81 82.51 72.57 72.31 61.77 55.35 Two gold stars 61.88 32.45 48.56 50.40 57.46 54.15 73.39 80.32 81.73 68.82 62.48 54.16 52.86 One gold star 52.36 28.18 39.67 48.55 50.77 50.66 62.37 69.05 68.59 55.88 51.08 45.25 42.70 Total silver stars 49.96 33.62 38.79 45.39 50.77 52.29 60.84 63.53 65.10 52.12 50.42 44.30 35.41 Two and three silver stars 51.76 36.98 42.79 45.69 51.49 53.82 61.59 65.00 62.58 53.90 50.51 51.31 36.79 One silver star 49.53 32.87 37.86 45.31 50.60 51.90 60.67 63.18 65.71 51.68 50.40 42.84 35.11 11 Extremadura Total 47.24 28.95 37.24 50.28 53.84 49.63 48.74 47.57 52.19 54.11 55.68 45.70 40.32 Total gold stars 54.28 34.20 42.65 58.57 61.08 56.28 55.69 54.19 60.01 62.46 61.52 54.15 46.86 Five gold stars 67.15 45.50 63.05 65.97 66.05 70.17 74.21 59.85 73.09 74.13 79.47 . . Four gold stars 65.67 43.68 54.87 70.40 71.20 68.30 69.64 67.58 71.74 74.72 71.19 63.47 59.01 Three gold stars 52.79 31.25 35.85 58.78 60.42 56.88 51.29 48.99 58.95 60.95 64.58 55.56 43.39 Two gold stars 41.42 25.96 33.57 42.02 50.31 40.45 38.88 44.31 47.31 50.24 49.21 39.99 31.92 One gold star 26.60 11.46 18.40 29.97 36.36 25.90 30.62 28.08 30.22 30.03 27.98 28.17 18.86 Total silver stars 25.94 14.49 22.02 25.41 31.75 29.15 27.37 26.55 27.68 28.46 36.89 20.53 21.02 Two and three silver stars 34.04 17.82 30.06 33.76 39.39 35.22 36.88 35.34 39.82 40.11 41.83 27.66 30.86 One silver star 18.92 11.67 15.19 17.84 25.01 23.81 19.21 19.25 17.75 18.48 32.64 14.17 11.94 12 Galicia Total 47.18 25.53 31.42 35.25 45.47 44.32 49.73 61.65 68.02 57.39 49.02 37.24 40.71 Total gold stars 53.70 29.53 37.23 41.38 51.90 49.96 56.37 69.15 75.33 64.99 55.97 42.77 46.77 Five gold stars 66.48 37.47 50.68 53.11 72.64 73.23 72.49 73.29 83.93 76.08 66.78 61.30 63.23 Four gold stars 64.27 37.66 49.84 54.25 63.34 64.29 71.10 78.41 83.98 77.73 69.32 54.65 59.84 Three gold stars 55.50 30.62 36.99 40.79 53.86 51.56 57.50 72.68 77.27 68.16 56.05 39.30 46.30 Two gold stars 45.74 20.67 26.54 29.20 45.32 37.67 45.55 63.99 71.05 56.75 47.02 32.05 31.99 One gold star 39.18 18.84 18.35 25.31 33.09 33.14 41.77 57.02 64.23 48.59 39.69 29.42 29.58 Total silver stars 28.84 15.12 16.01 19.28 27.74 28.31 30.68 40.47 46.87 34.44 29.45 21.10 23.17 Two and three silver stars 35.55 18.85 20.65 25.28 34.44 32.70 34.50 49.66 57.63 39.54 37.21 27.82 31.51 One silver star 21.80 11.40 11.49 13.36 20.95 23.78 26.62 30.31 34.63 29.20 21.73 13.50 13.77 13 Madrid, Comunidad de Total 69.12 55.17 62.75 71.18 72.04 74.55 74.36 69.91 62.98 72.68 75.23 69.75 68.11 Total gold stars 69.14 53.79 63.88 71.49 71.43 75.00 74.14 69.40 62.73 72.60 75.22 71.02 68.35 Five gold stars 60.56 44.07 52.92 62.65 62.03 64.59 66.31 65.20 45.43 67.81 68.87 64.40 59.06 Four gold stars 69.72 53.72 65.42 71.03 71.98 76.03 74.76 69.62 63.95 72.04 75.04 72.65 70.24 Three gold stars 72.91 58.09 68.06 78.49 76.09 78.50 77.67 69.86 70.51 74.93 78.54 71.28 72.78 Two gold stars 70.35 56.18 57.37 72.57 72.20 77.83 74.74 74.83 64.04 79.09 79.65 73.76 60.19 One gold star 61.19 55.34 62.89 59.19 61.97 63.39 66.59 63.47 52.44 67.11 67.26 54.36 60.42 Total silver stars 69.04 61.34 57.72 69.83 74.76 72.54 75.29 72.17 64.21 73.05 75.29 64.06 67.07 Two and three silver stars 62.53 50.55 48.15 62.21 68.72 64.31 70.30 65.23 57.08 68.37 72.24 62.90 58.95 One silver star 75.99 73.10 68.24 77.86 81.25 81.41 80.60 79.77 71.10 77.92 78.58 65.31 75.88 14 Murcia, Región de Total 59.58 41.86 55.06 55.15 58.76 63.87 66.16 67.44 69.88 61.72 57.52 53.58 53.38 Total gold stars 60.55 42.38 55.97 55.94 59.60 64.67 67.37 68.36 70.73 62.97 58.75 54.75 54.51 Five gold stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . Four gold stars 66.50 44.38 60.76 63.08 65.42 71.49 72.09 76.28 76.73 69.54 64.44 59.34 58.41 Three gold stars 55.78 40.44 52.72 50.52 52.25 57.03 66.92 58.62 64.82 55.29 56.13 53.64 56.42 Two gold stars 48.05 40.28 43.40 38.08 50.70 53.19 50.66 55.46 59.53 54.21 43.74 42.89 38.48 One gold star 45.86 35.52 47.20 48.96 50.54 48.88 50.92 48.00 49.49 41.93 34.91 42.43 49.38 Total silver stars 38.80 31.00 34.62 36.72 39.16 45.52 39.44 49.02 52.45 36.07 31.50 31.05 30.97 Two and three silver stars 34.31 24.16 29.09 30.83 26.72 40.48 42.41 46.17 49.89 32.72 27.07 24.03 24.02 One silver star 49.57 43.61 44.94 52.20 76.76 59.98 30.38 57.54 58.33 43.87 41.38 48.47 41.19 15 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de Total 52.61 25.48 36.37 47.26 57.15 56.19 56.07 61.10 65.84 59.82 57.73 51.32 45.92 Total gold stars 60.22 27.28 41.59 54.94 66.18 66.03 64.98 67.92 76.20 67.29 66.46 61.28 51.70 Five gold stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . Four gold stars 59.89 30.50 42.11 56.11 66.62 68.84 62.14 66.47 77.31 69.35 63.23 59.28 55.10 Three gold stars 63.52 24.11 43.37 57.60 70.55 67.68 70.62 71.39 79.32 68.94 72.69 65.03 52.78 Two gold stars 51.30 25.63 33.13 44.11 52.03 55.32 60.14 59.51 66.24 58.38 56.34 58.25 38.31 One gold star 39.80 . . 23.08 38.99 39.57 31.52 60.14 47.43 42.08 44.03 39.87 17.99 Total silver stars 34.37 20.54 23.08 26.54 34.47 33.49 36.93 46.22 42.57 42.09 36.88 26.30 32.33 Two and three silver stars 34.09 20.86 22.95 26.74 33.93 35.28 33.84 46.31 43.00 41.13 36.87 27.65 30.26 One silver star 36.28 18.66 23.93 25.17 37.72 21.03 53.37 45.74 39.65 50.15 37.01 10.40 48.09 16 País Vasco Total 65.28 43.31 53.23 61.54 67.98 65.79 70.00 75.75 80.18 72.45 71.08 60.46 57.84 Total gold stars 67.84 44.49 54.82 64.30 69.72 69.38 72.81 79.48 81.37 75.44 74.03 62.97 60.69 Five gold stars 69.01 44.97 54.10 60.69 69.77 75.22 72.81 81.05 78.26 78.37 73.75 68.90 66.85 Four gold stars 72.00 46.93 61.07 71.03 73.78 74.18 77.05 82.01 85.09 77.21 79.67 67.81 65.11 Three gold stars 66.18 42.05 50.34 61.57 68.22 66.81 71.84 79.57 78.47 76.95 73.22 61.38 58.05 Two gold stars 64.02 45.73 51.62 58.99 68.66 64.74 67.70 74.60 80.02 69.41 66.42 56.92 57.36 One gold star 60.03 38.79 44.82 54.54 59.71 59.78 65.85 75.25 77.17 71.67 65.09 53.02 48.42 Total silver stars 53.96 38.07 46.21 49.82 60.36 49.86 57.55 59.18 74.10 58.80 58.19 49.51 46.17 Two and three silver stars 59.84 40.72 49.82 57.32 61.13 57.87 64.06 67.21 78.11 65.18 66.37 51.94 53.00 One silver star 48.00 35.87 42.86 42.26 59.59 41.58 50.86 50.82 68.67 52.06 49.84 47.13 39.55 17 Rioja, La Total 57.28 32.03 47.58 54.60 56.49 59.13 61.21 59.23 63.99 70.44 68.74 58.94 49.40 Total gold stars 65.62 39.70 58.26 65.07 64.33 67.42 69.45 68.65 72.41 76.39 77.07 65.75 56.71 Five gold stars 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Four gold stars 70.35 44.50 63.46 68.54 68.41 70.86 72.61 70.75 78.59 81.06 82.23 78.71 57.05 Three gold stars 66.07 40.16 59.82 67.27 63.57 69.74 71.72 70.09 70.71 76.85 76.54 60.64 61.37 Two gold stars 42.40 13.52 25.77 31.51 44.82 33.15 42.23 52.68 52.73 57.19 67.04 . . One gold star 46.14 24.57 35.13 47.99 61.11 49.63 49.74 53.50 60.84 56.02 55.33 39.25 13.55 Total silver stars 34.21 12.08 19.72 27.07 35.48 37.06 38.27 33.77 40.70 52.59 44.44 38.51 28.34 Two and three silver stars 37.07 8.29 15.48 36.44 39.36 34.16 39.10 36.35 46.10 59.53 48.44 39.81 37.26 One silver star 32.58 14.16 22.00 21.62 33.38 38.72 37.77 32.29 37.78 48.28 42.11 37.69 23.73 18 Ceuta Total 58.02 57.33 45.23 48.85 65.29 48.52 68.40 68.26 65.83 63.17 52.33 60.89 51.03 Total gold stars 60.11 59.27 47.04 49.56 70.30 49.99 71.49 71.51 68.02 66.82 53.02 61.79 51.52 Five gold stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . Four gold stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . Three gold stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . Two gold stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . One gold star . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total silver stars 48.35 48.95 37.41 45.80 43.71 41.96 54.55 53.15 55.59 46.15 48.87 56.36 48.35 Two and three silver stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . One silver star . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Melilla Total 55.19 37.23 36.57 65.24 57.96 49.71 57.31 48.86 77.48 64.69 61.27 55.24 50.95 Total gold stars 56.34 36.48 36.88 68.27 60.08 51.34 58.82 49.10 77.59 65.69 62.34 57.38 52.10 Five gold stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . Four gold stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . Three gold stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . Two gold stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . One gold star . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total silver stars 45.12 43.68 33.91 39.08 39.66 35.63 44.25 46.84 76.40 56.02 52.02 36.78 41.07 Two and three silver stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . One silver star . . . . . . . . . . . . . Notes: .Data protected by statistical secrecy 1) The symbol '.' indicates that the size of the sample in these category the INE cannot produce brokendown resuls for the same, so as to preserve statistical secrecy. Nevertheless, in the total, the data corresponding to the aforementioned category is included Source: National Statistics Institute