Campsite Occupancy Survey Demand Overnight stays of the travellers by country of residence and category. Units: number Total Luxury and cat. 1 cat. 2 cat. 3 Total 40,720,537 18,975,219 18,632,135 3,113,183 Spaniards 21,292,797 9,427,905 9,732,964 2,131,928 Foreigners 19,427,740 9,547,315 8,899,171 981,255 European Union (without Spain) 18,644,612 9,155,297 8,546,605 942,710 Germany 3,349,100 1,794,047 1,401,611 153,441 Austria 87,641 40,250 42,959 4,432 Belgium 1,074,459 518,802 496,767 58,889 Denmark 142,098 70,724 63,993 7,381 Finland 89,579 35,858 51,922 1,800 France 4,095,284 1,833,053 2,055,760 206,471 Greece 3,694 2,559 750 385 Ireland 571,174 430,601 102,536 38,036 Italy 280,690 117,151 148,024 15,515 Luxembourg 32,324 17,754 12,122 2,447 Netherlands 4,100,763 2,201,335 1,631,597 267,831 Poland 96,163 54,264 34,985 6,915 Portugal 200,411 104,265 79,200 16,947 United Kingdom 4,169,119 1,804,403 2,221,884 142,831 Czech Republic 28,297 11,567 14,142 2,588 Sweden 239,435 84,706 145,910 8,818 Rest of EU 84,382 33,957 42,442 7,983 Norway 105,042 41,290 61,451 2,302 Russia 17,662 10,101 6,308 1,254 Switzerland 367,075 197,038 151,822 18,216 Rest of Europe 80,543 46,595 28,157 5,790 United States 20,914 9,475 10,082 1,357 Rest of America 48,881 19,471 26,476 2,934 African Countries 14,117 8,804 5,117 196 Rest of the world 128,893 59,244 63,154 6,495 Notes: 1) Symbol '..' means non-significant data Source: National Statistics Institute