Survey on the Transition from Education/Training to Labour Market Insertion Titulados en Bachillerato Coeficientes de variación (%) de los titulados en Bachillerato en el curso 2013-2014 según su transición posterior en el Sistema Educativo por sexo, CCAA de estudio y tipo de centro Units: porcentajes Total Bachillerato - Estudios universitarios Bachillerato - CFGS Bachillerato - CFGS - Estudios universitarios Bachillerato - Estudios universitarios - CFGS Bachillerato - Abandono definitivo del sistema educativo Bachillerato - Abandono (1) - CFGS Bachillerato - Abandono (1) - Estudios universitarios Bachillerato - Estudios universitarios - Abandono (1) - Estudios universitarios Bachillerato - Estudios universitarios - Abandono (1) - CFGS Bachillerato - CFGS - Abandono (1) - CFGS Bachillerato - CFGS - Abandono (1) - Estudios universitarios Otros itinerarios National Total Ambos sexos Total 0.00 1.41 5.49 7.00 10.36 11.91 14.04 11.23 8.18 18.26 16.73 17.54 97.27 Centro Público 0.00 1.91 6.15 8.23 12.88 12.63 15.32 12.83 10.35 21.12 18.61 19.74 33.01 Centro Privado 0.00 1.94 12.25 13.34 17.14 35.04 31.28 22.36 13.18 35.32 38.20 35.76 68.68 Hombres Total 0.00 2.22 7.55 11.55 13.22 15.51 18.49 18.43 12.68 27.39 22.04 24.77 35.99 Centro Público 0.00 3.12 8.60 14.25 16.57 17.11 20.19 20.99 16.45 33.29 25.44 27.46 38.31 Centro Privado 0.00 2.93 15.75 19.66 21.60 36.06 36.23 37.23 19.56 47.24 44.00 55.50 25.54 Mujeres Total 0.00 1.83 8.01 8.81 16.62 18.60 21.57 14.16 10.69 23.76 25.56 24.31 63.11 Centro Público 0.00 2.40 8.80 10.08 20.40 18.71 23.53 16.20 13.30 26.63 27.08 27.94 14.19 Centro Privado 0.00 2.60 19.40 18.13 27.97 67.37 51.58 27.94 17.79 45.33 76.98 42.84 75.37 01 Andalucía Ambos sexos Total 0.00 4.14 16.03 21.37 26.12 23.38 32.65 26.30 26.64 61.52 60.24 52.25 27.03 Centro Público 0.00 5.20 17.30 24.57 30.49 23.93 34.66 30.94 37.89 71.17 71.17 58.44 32.84 Centro Privado 0.00 5.08 36.66 34.48 42.32 14.91 57.28 43.13 31.51 12.60 13.68 13.74 41.83 Hombres Total 0.00 6.72 20.91 36.81 30.64 31.90 40.35 47.85 40.81 71.17 13.68 71.55 38.06 Centro Público 0.00 8.51 22.46 46.43 36.37 33.36 42.97 65.80 70.72 71.17 .. 71.55 50.00 Centro Privado 0.00 8.70 49.05 48.89 48.93 14.91 69.63 60.97 45.54 .. 13.68 .. 51.90 Mujeres Total 0.00 5.24 24.93 26.21 49.88 34.33 55.25 31.47 34.67 12.60 71.17 74.23 38.34 Centro Público 0.00 6.54 27.04 28.96 55.79 34.33 58.35 35.04 44.76 .. 71.17 10.46 43.56 Centro Privado 0.00 5.96 55.04 48.62 71.18 .. 12.67 60.84 43.24 12.60 .. 13.74 70.68 02 Aragón Ambos sexos Total 0.00 4.41 22.66 35.07 35.88 50.12 51.43 79.01 34.99 72.20 13.07 66.75 39.33 Centro Público 0.00 5.86 29.00 45.05 43.67 55.39 92.09 13.63 50.13 .. 13.07 69.96 50.39 Centro Privado 0.00 5.63 29.19 47.80 52.44 23.32 55.49 20.92 41.64 72.20 .. 20.63 54.18 Hombres Total 0.00 6.83 42.88 51.78 51.10 50.12 59.76 .. 61.59 23.32 .. 69.96 66.82 Centro Público 0.00 9.18 59.05 76.11 57.28 55.39 92.09 .. 15.75 .. .. 69.96 15.75 Centro Privado 0.00 8.91 55.25 66.65 20.85 23.32 71.76 .. 71.76 23.32 .. .. 80.31 Mujeres Total 0.00 5.77 26.68 47.20 50.13 .. 80.95 79.01 42.43 21.12 13.07 20.63 48.64 Centro Público 0.00 7.60 33.29 55.57 67.46 .. .. 13.63 57.74 .. 13.07 .. 58.10 Centro Privado 0.00 7.08 32.91 59.16 58.92 .. 80.95 20.92 50.14 21.12 .. 20.63 72.08 03 Asturias, Principado de Ambos sexos Total 0.00 5.66 16.02 24.80 40.10 32.77 38.88 75.56 28.38 76.92 70.47 70.69 26.47 Centro Público 0.00 7.69 16.40 24.80 42.86 34.51 46.29 72.29 39.65 76.92 70.47 70.69 28.52 Centro Privado 0.00 7.82 73.84 .. 23.96 23.96 70.24 19.29 40.80 .. .. .. 70.79 Hombres Total 0.00 8.58 19.42 43.62 43.82 43.82 25.76 25.76 43.82 88.04 .. 79.27 47.85 Centro Público 0.00 12.40 19.71 43.62 48.01 48.01 25.76 25.76 55.10 88.04 .. 79.27 47.85 Centro Privado 0.00 11.52 23.96 .. 23.96 23.96 .. .. 70.01 .. .. .. .. Mujeres Total 0.00 7.54 28.29 30.14 56.82 49.29 39.75 85.31 37.00 15.97 70.47 15.97 31.77 Centro Público 0.00 9.79 29.50 30.14 56.82 49.29 47.72 15.97 56.92 15.97 70.47 15.97 35.51 Centro Privado 0.00 10.57 22.13 .. .. .. 70.24 19.29 48.53 .. .. .. 70.79 04 Balears, Illes Ambos sexos Total 0.00 5.77 26.98 41.82 60.75 49.54 79.03 32.21 29.42 72.74 17.54 70.96 22.35 Centro Público 0.00 7.90 29.86 45.06 71.93 64.39 82.91 40.55 37.20 .. 17.54 .. 28.11 Centro Privado 0.00 7.25 55.14 18.71 18.71 70.96 32.14 50.19 44.81 72.74 .. 70.96 34.11 Hombres Total 0.00 9.59 39.67 70.30 19.29 61.42 95.48 59.47 52.73 30.23 .. 70.96 30.32 Centro Público 0.00 13.22 46.79 70.30 19.29 19.29 19.29 70.30 19.29 .. .. .. 39.15 Centro Privado 0.00 12.29 67.08 .. .. 70.96 32.14 18.88 57.14 30.23 .. 70.96 43.19 Mujeres Total 0.00 7.14 36.62 50.56 73.95 83.07 19.93 38.24 35.33 18.71 17.54 .. 33.07 Centro Público 0.00 9.77 38.43 57.33 17.54 83.07 19.93 49.50 39.92 .. 17.54 .. 40.32 Centro Privado 0.00 8.79 61.09 18.71 18.71 .. .. 57.64 71.94 18.71 .. .. 55.02 05 Canarias Ambos sexos Total 0.00 5.75 18.74 33.58 34.21 34.58 36.57 47.81 26.33 39.43 50.75 74.53 32.61 Centro Público 0.00 7.09 19.22 35.17 42.78 34.58 36.57 58.21 30.58 45.22 56.04 14.13 38.38 Centro Privado 0.00 6.73 70.52 88.87 48.14 .. .. 70.52 43.42 66.80 18.59 88.39 49.62 Hombres Total 0.00 9.11 33.44 52.69 41.82 48.03 48.75 70.79 33.35 62.85 76.88 18.67 49.78 Centro Público 0.00 11.55 33.44 59.14 48.85 48.03 48.75 70.79 36.58 17.59 17.59 .. 57.93 Centro Privado 0.00 9.75 .. 88.87 65.97 .. .. .. 70.39 70.61 18.59 18.67 79.53 Mujeres Total 0.00 7.39 22.51 43.54 56.90 49.70 54.78 61.24 42.77 49.86 67.26 77.66 43.11 Centro Público 0.00 8.94 23.40 43.54 86.21 49.70 54.78 14.20 55.71 50.53 67.26 14.13 51.17 Centro Privado 0.00 9.31 70.52 .. 70.39 .. .. 70.52 54.88 15.86 .. 15.68 63.49 06 Cantabria Ambos sexos Total 0.00 6.03 26.09 33.70 36.67 67.52 66.37 46.63 32.20 70.39 74.94 61.13 46.96 Centro Público 0.00 7.31 28.91 48.23 41.97 78.92 66.37 55.49 37.39 70.39 91.78 71.50 55.10 Centro Privado 0.00 8.21 50.68 37.46 58.42 24.70 .. 72.18 44.90 .. 20.22 20.32 73.35 Hombres Total 0.00 9.75 41.44 43.77 52.06 67.52 70.02 68.11 53.61 .. 21.34 75.73 64.39 Centro Público 0.00 12.00 47.80 65.29 56.42 78.92 70.02 86.49 58.13 .. 21.34 17.15 88.99 Centro Privado 0.00 13.48 70.44 48.74 24.70 24.70 .. 20.32 24.70 .. .. 20.32 73.35 Mujeres Total 0.00 7.60 33.47 52.72 51.58 .. 20.34 62.84 40.20 70.39 78.88 16.26 68.49 Centro Público 0.00 9.14 36.11 71.52 62.78 .. 20.34 71.52 48.84 70.39 20.34 16.26 68.49 Centro Privado 0.00 9.90 71.14 57.50 71.14 .. .. 20.22 49.86 .. 20.22 .. .. 07 Castilla y León Ambos sexos Total 0.00 4.40 19.74 33.53 40.66 53.69 66.49 54.31 28.58 91.04 67.22 87.82 37.46 Centro Público 0.00 5.68 22.63 42.66 52.95 53.69 66.49 71.58 36.88 91.04 68.47 87.82 50.20 Centro Privado 0.00 5.86 37.04 49.88 58.18 .. .. 70.90 40.56 .. 25.12 .. 50.06 Hombres Total 0.00 7.02 30.01 48.40 63.11 66.74 .. 17.96 38.11 15.98 88.59 29.78 52.81 Centro Público 0.00 9.42 38.13 53.72 79.37 66.74 .. 17.96 47.91 15.98 88.59 29.78 71.44 Centro Privado 0.00 8.89 43.83 19.38 17.23 .. .. .. 57.48 .. .. .. 70.32 Mujeres Total 0.00 5.63 26.17 45.00 53.01 90.08 66.49 63.81 43.17 18.03 52.79 14.08 53.05 Centro Público 0.00 7.05 27.92 68.71 70.36 90.08 66.49 15.81 57.65 18.03 56.47 14.08 70.42 Centro Privado 0.00 7.72 68.50 57.28 70.56 .. .. 70.90 57.00 .. 25.12 .. 70.90 08 Castilla - La Mancha Ambos sexos Total 0.00 5.47 23.81 25.42 59.44 63.32 57.39 53.94 39.22 57.78 49.22 48.34 38.20 Centro Público 0.00 6.49 24.10 25.82 65.95 63.32 80.15 57.78 52.85 57.78 49.22 51.20 39.53 Centro Privado 0.00 4.60 19.42 17.33 19.42 .. 56.94 17.33 40.16 .. .. 16.52 17.33 Hombres Total 0.00 9.24 33.46 42.94 77.82 67.49 56.94 16.13 58.56 .. 56.31 53.41 44.09 Centro Público 0.00 11.14 34.26 42.94 90.36 67.49 .. 16.13 16.13 .. 56.31 53.41 44.09 Centro Privado 0.00 7.59 19.42 .. 19.42 .. 56.94 .. 48.70 .. .. .. .. Mujeres Total 0.00 6.72 33.90 31.53 56.37 19.56 80.15 63.63 52.50 57.78 16.24 72.97 76.07 Centro Público 0.00 7.88 33.90 32.31 56.37 19.56 80.15 70.41 61.76 57.78 16.24 19.56 89.26 Centro Privado 0.00 5.67 .. 17.33 .. .. .. 17.33 70.53 .. .. 16.52 17.33 09 Cataluña Ambos sexos Total 0.00 4.50 18.42 15.89 59.87 48.14 43.71 34.23 21.90 40.13 33.46 48.22 26.92 Centro Público 0.00 6.77 22.87 20.26 82.59 48.14 50.68 36.31 28.41 44.88 44.94 51.00 34.59 Centro Privado 0.00 5.64 30.50 25.50 86.92 .. 85.87 14.03 34.05 81.98 49.92 71.93 43.16 Hombres Total 0.00 6.84 24.50 24.20 87.26 62.06 93.46 49.30 41.49 50.91 35.48 86.53 48.13 Centro Público 0.00 10.86 33.64 34.12 13.47 62.06 13.47 49.30 57.74 58.21 44.94 86.53 56.67 Centro Privado 0.00 7.98 34.88 33.49 73.41 .. 24.19 .. 57.44 15.17 57.44 .. 91.93 Mujeres Total 0.00 5.99 27.71 21.05 82.24 58.36 49.45 47.54 25.72 65.24 14.03 57.64 32.46 Centro Público 0.00 8.62 31.01 25.01 12.89 58.36 58.58 53.68 32.38 70.49 .. 62.94 43.60 Centro Privado 0.00 7.94 61.76 39.16 13.69 .. 92.05 14.03 42.25 71.93 14.03 71.93 48.68 10 Comunitat Valenciana Ambos sexos Total 0.00 3.39 16.29 20.74 24.67 31.54 45.59 30.42 23.71 11.81 72.84 59.04 26.74 Centro Público 0.00 4.14 16.69 23.92 33.35 33.07 50.99 33.34 28.56 11.81 72.84 59.04 28.73 Centro Privado 0.00 6.00 71.37 40.39 37.18 15.55 15.63 71.20 40.12 .. .. .. 71.37 Hombres Total 0.00 4.91 23.19 37.76 34.38 58.33 45.59 58.60 37.99 .. .. 13.06 50.32 Centro Público 0.00 6.20 23.79 44.45 44.11 71.36 50.99 71.36 44.44 .. .. 13.06 58.01 Centro Privado 0.00 8.14 15.55 70.94 56.14 15.55 15.63 15.63 70.94 .. .. .. 15.55 Mujeres Total 0.00 4.67 22.89 24.81 35.43 37.11 .. 35.56 30.29 11.81 72.84 72.08 31.56 Centro Público 0.00 5.57 23.43 28.34 50.71 37.11 .. 37.70 37.28 11.81 72.84 72.08 33.06 Centro Privado 0.00 8.73 15.07 49.11 49.61 .. .. 15.07 48.58 .. .. .. 15.07 11 Extremadura Ambos sexos Total 0.00 5.72 22.47 25.52 46.50 77.18 66.06 64.93 44.26 66.57 66.55 14.58 49.22 Centro Público 0.00 6.76 23.98 27.08 63.19 93.00 75.50 71.23 58.56 66.57 68.47 14.58 85.49 Centro Privado 0.00 6.21 40.63 48.80 47.29 69.04 86.63 29.89 41.59 .. 77.32 .. 41.12 Hombres Total 0.00 8.89 34.88 39.70 53.35 95.43 50.15 29.89 87.08 19.99 98.40 .. 71.23 Centro Público 0.00 10.68 36.99 42.59 63.19 19.65 55.15 .. 19.65 19.99 19.65 .. 92.62 Centro Privado 0.00 8.91 68.86 70.94 65.71 80.51 42.96 29.89 23.37 .. 42.96 .. 74.42 Mujeres Total 0.00 7.45 29.31 33.29 68.04 68.07 86.77 71.23 50.48 70.30 88.73 14.58 44.48 Centro Público 0.00 8.70 31.43 35.04 .. 17.02 14.58 71.23 71.23 70.30 90.96 14.58 17.02 Centro Privado 0.00 8.66 49.56 66.94 68.04 90.01 25.27 .. 45.38 .. 38.92 .. 48.78 12 Galicia Ambos sexos Total 0.00 5.84 19.29 24.10 39.85 35.35 40.50 42.46 35.87 59.95 53.27 54.41 29.76 Centro Público 0.00 7.24 21.26 27.59 44.21 38.46 42.46 44.71 39.06 66.69 67.09 67.33 35.08 Centro Privado 0.00 6.75 36.61 38.84 70.97 70.97 18.99 18.99 71.55 16.05 71.35 70.90 44.89 Hombres Total 0.00 9.57 26.70 43.24 48.28 47.58 44.16 80.94 51.62 15.52 72.46 90.21 48.34 Centro Público 0.00 12.34 29.80 49.48 56.73 56.15 46.78 18.91 56.15 15.52 89.99 90.21 59.13 Centro Privado 0.00 10.66 47.62 70.49 70.97 70.97 18.99 18.99 18.99 .. 16.49 .. 70.49 Mujeres Total 0.00 7.35 27.89 28.96 70.46 52.74 15.26 49.78 49.84 72.70 78.57 67.63 37.74 Centro Público 0.00 8.91 30.33 33.14 70.46 52.74 15.26 49.78 54.31 87.94 13.59 15.26 43.58 Centro Privado 0.00 8.60 57.24 46.36 .. .. .. .. 15.80 16.05 15.80 70.90 57.43 13 Madrid, Comunidad de Ambos sexos Total 0.00 4.07 16.05 18.82 32.93 34.27 49.34 30.93 23.39 57.72 61.40 52.46 28.94 Centro Público 0.00 7.02 20.28 23.92 44.79 41.02 51.14 34.29 27.78 12.43 63.08 64.67 32.06 Centro Privado 0.00 4.80 26.32 30.41 48.68 64.06 74.75 71.44 43.97 70.50 27.62 89.46 65.33 Hombres Total 0.00 6.06 21.83 32.78 42.03 40.76 66.95 46.99 38.95 70.50 61.40 58.15 60.27 Centro Público 0.00 10.45 27.61 43.90 79.80 52.52 71.16 53.05 46.58 .. 63.08 71.16 81.35 Centro Privado 0.00 7.29 36.22 49.43 49.40 65.96 74.75 14.43 71.04 70.50 27.62 14.43 89.21 Mujeres Total 0.00 5.50 23.66 22.99 52.97 60.95 71.60 41.08 29.25 12.43 .. 70.61 32.98 Centro Público 0.00 9.48 29.84 28.51 53.91 63.07 71.60 44.93 34.57 12.43 .. 15.35 34.88 Centro Privado 0.00 6.35 38.16 38.48 19.19 19.19 .. 13.89 55.94 .. .. 72.58 95.47 14 Murcia, Región de Ambos sexos Total 0.00 7.25 22.25 26.31 33.04 49.83 71.89 38.27 30.12 57.45 62.00 86.99 30.00 Centro Público 0.00 9.50 22.91 29.20 36.02 54.07 71.89 40.02 32.06 58.02 62.00 86.99 30.94 Centro Privado 0.00 5.77 62.43 46.99 57.51 93.43 .. 21.08 67.62 21.40 .. .. 21.08 Hombres Total 0.00 12.79 28.11 50.53 44.55 56.89 92.53 43.98 49.77 69.09 .. .. 35.04 Centro Público 0.00 18.74 29.33 53.83 53.89 63.87 92.53 46.71 50.17 70.21 .. .. 36.45 Centro Privado 0.00 8.82 70.84 18.00 57.51 93.43 .. 21.08 21.40 21.40 .. .. 21.08 Mujeres Total 0.00 8.76 35.95 30.61 48.27 15.60 71.94 77.60 37.73 15.60 62.00 86.99 52.47 Centro Público 0.00 10.86 36.35 34.59 48.27 15.60 71.94 77.60 41.65 15.60 62.00 86.99 52.47 Centro Privado 0.00 7.56 19.42 52.82 .. .. .. .. 70.57 .. .. .. .. 15 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de Ambos sexos Total 0.00 4.40 17.03 27.23 51.05 15.61 52.95 61.34 35.68 85.70 66.92 86.86 52.95 Centro Público 0.00 6.69 18.18 31.08 63.35 15.61 62.22 61.34 41.38 85.70 66.92 15.61 61.33 Centro Privado 0.00 5.32 44.13 57.72 85.64 .. 16.86 .. 70.24 .. .. 18.75 18.75 Hombres Total 0.00 7.37 23.91 49.39 89.60 .. 66.92 26.65 65.70 .. 66.92 18.75 55.72 Centro Público 0.00 11.79 24.31 70.47 89.60 .. 66.92 26.65 26.65 .. 66.92 .. 66.00 Centro Privado 0.00 8.45 22.38 70.24 .. .. .. .. 70.24 .. .. 18.75 18.75 Mujeres Total 0.00 5.41 24.24 32.47 60.12 15.61 85.76 65.11 42.49 85.70 .. 15.61 15.61 Centro Público 0.00 7.95 27.26 34.43 56.84 15.61 15.61 65.11 42.49 85.70 .. 15.61 15.61 Centro Privado 0.00 6.78 48.93 19.15 85.64 .. 16.86 .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 País Vasco Ambos sexos Total 0.00 4.71 17.56 30.40 28.41 58.07 56.32 34.98 26.64 93.61 82.07 55.54 48.23 Centro Público 0.00 7.48 25.08 42.26 37.19 58.07 57.73 48.15 45.38 23.95 82.07 66.54 65.02 Centro Privado 0.00 5.97 24.56 43.59 44.00 .. 30.04 50.45 33.04 32.79 .. 13.84 71.66 Hombres Total 0.00 8.65 21.03 57.25 31.56 23.95 70.43 56.09 37.23 23.95 23.95 67.20 87.47 Centro Público 0.00 17.04 28.48 96.20 41.37 23.95 70.43 67.27 70.43 23.95 23.95 90.59 87.47 Centro Privado 0.00 9.49 31.00 71.58 48.87 .. .. 13.84 44.07 .. .. 13.84 .. Mujeres Total 0.00 5.36 31.79 35.87 65.10 70.44 93.53 44.75 38.09 32.79 87.47 97.70 56.31 Centro Público 0.00 7.60 52.21 47.04 84.00 70.44 14.71 68.67 58.72 .. 87.47 97.70 43.09 Centro Privado 0.00 7.54 40.23 54.96 15.67 .. 30.04 58.11 49.94 32.79 .. .. 71.66 17 Rioja, La Ambos sexos Total 0.00 5.25 19.26 42.74 61.27 82.45 48.93 51.17 35.05 18.49 19.98 71.36 62.36 Centro Público 0.00 7.26 21.17 50.16 16.30 82.45 54.21 51.17 38.93 .. 19.98 71.36 65.15 Centro Privado 0.00 5.52 44.39 71.86 71.96 .. 18.49 .. 70.54 18.49 .. .. 23.61 Hombres Total 0.00 8.57 28.42 76.58 21.48 33.21 59.42 .. 71.85 .. .. .. 77.80 Centro Público 0.00 12.07 31.88 18.65 .. 33.21 59.42 .. 71.85 .. .. .. 86.05 Centro Privado 0.00 8.68 57.11 23.61 21.48 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23.61 Mujeres Total 0.00 6.59 25.54 51.51 75.38 16.30 72.68 51.17 39.14 18.49 19.98 71.36 57.63 Centro Público 0.00 8.96 27.49 57.63 16.30 16.30 19.98 51.17 45.40 .. 19.98 71.36 57.63 Centro Privado 0.00 7.12 70.54 18.24 18.24 .. 18.49 .. 70.54 18.49 .. .. .. 18 Ceuta Ambos sexos Total 0.00 12.27 36.60 34.39 84.08 83.71 52.99 63.42 84.89 24.59 .. 24.59 107.20 Centro Público 0.00 13.96 37.86 35.31 24.59 83.71 52.99 63.42 24.59 24.59 .. 24.59 56.37 Centro Privado 0.00 14.24 37.84 37.84 43.38 .. .. .. 37.84 .. .. .. 50.83 Hombres Total 0.00 19.70 40.99 54.11 43.38 92.42 72.93 .. 37.84 .. .. .. 69.41 Centro Público 0.00 25.29 42.66 57.47 .. 92.42 72.93 .. .. .. .. .. 69.41 Centro Privado 0.00 14.23 37.84 37.84 43.38 .. .. .. 37.84 .. .. .. .. Mujeres Total 0.00 15.35 71.53 44.01 24.59 49.61 69.99 63.42 24.59 24.59 .. 24.59 135.22 Centro Público 0.00 15.96 71.53 44.01 24.59 49.61 69.99 63.42 24.59 24.59 .. 24.59 84.39 Centro Privado 0.00 44.01 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50.83 19 Melilla Ambos sexos Total 0.00 10.18 36.39 37.47 59.56 55.23 32.23 .. 58.69 .. 83.87 26.91 52.25 Centro Público 0.00 10.67 38.62 39.55 59.56 55.23 32.23 .. 58.69 .. 83.87 26.91 55.45 Centro Privado 0.00 22.16 74.75 76.97 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38.82 Hombres Total 0.00 17.65 43.44 61.10 73.11 65.30 .. .. 70.01 .. 24.26 26.91 87.07 Centro Público 0.00 18.46 45.13 65.30 73.11 65.30 .. .. 70.01 .. 24.26 26.91 87.07 Centro Privado 0.00 34.65 47.08 61.95 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Mujeres Total 0.00 12.32 66.55 47.44 26.17 23.86 32.23 .. 23.86 .. 58.57 .. 64.36 Centro Público 0.00 12.93 74.61 49.68 26.17 23.86 32.23 .. 23.86 .. 58.57 .. 70.09 Centro Privado 0.00 28.71 38.82 38.82 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38.82 Notes: 1) Salida temporal del sistema educativo Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística