Agrcultural Census 1.- Clasificación según superficie total Operations, total area and used agricultural area (UAA) Unidades: ? Operations. Number Operations. % Total area. Ha. Total area.% UAA. Ha. UAA. % All operations 19.788 100 374.826 100 222.118 100 Operations without lands 98 0,5 0 0 0 0 Operations with lands 19.690 99,5 374.826 100 222.118 100 >=0.1 to < 0.2 544 2,75 83 0,02 68 0,03 >=0.2 to < 0.5 1.448 7,32 479 0,13 408 0,18 >=0.5 to < 1 2.102 10,62 1.476 0,39 1.297 0,58 >=1 to < 2 2.753 13,91 3.928 1,05 3.415 1,54 >=2 to < 3 1.964 9,93 4.813 1,28 4.173 1,88 >=3 to < 4 1.435 7,25 4.947 1,32 4.232 1,91 >=4 to < 5 1.178 5,95 5.280 1,41 4.548 2,05 >=5 to < 10 3.135 15,84 22.277 5,94 18.433 8,3 >=10 to < 20 2.157 10,9 30.013 8,01 23.338 10,51 >=20 to < 30 853 4,31 20.694 5,52 15.490 6,97 >=30 to < 50 707 3,57 27.151 7,24 19.681 8,86 >=50 to < 70 331 1,67 19.480 5,2 13.838 6,23 >=70 to < 100 352 1,78 29.154 7,78 19.576 8,81 >=100 to < 150 292 1,48 35.353 9,43 22.244 10,01 >=150 to < 200 128 0,65 22.130 5,9 12.254 5,52 >=200 to < 300 155 0,78 37.465 10 19.022 8,56 >=300 to < 500 87 0,44 32.376 8,64 14.831 6,68 >=500 to < 1000 48 0,24 31.497 8,4 12.059 5,43 >= 1000 21 0,11 46.229 12,33 13.210 5,95 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute