Agrcultural Census 1.- Clasificación según superficie total Woody crops: fruit trees Unidades: ? Total Dry farming Irrigated Operations Ha. Operations Ha. Operations Ha. Operations with lands 14.397 40.444 12.498 36.583 5.321 3.861 >=0.1 to < 0.2 386 43 249 27 202 15 >=0.2 to < 0.5 1.107 243 818 179 497 64 >=0.5 to < 1 1.562 677 1.305 555 583 122 >=1 to < 2 2.049 1.473 1.737 1.239 793 234 >=2 to < 3 1.452 1.574 1.270 1.362 509 212 >=3 to < 4 1.082 1.419 952 1.249 412 170 >=4 to < 5 871 1.491 772 1.302 318 189 >=5 to < 10 2.359 5.193 2.149 4.653 878 540 >=10 to < 20 1.639 5.527 1.511 5.080 586 446 >=20 to < 30 597 3.047 563 2.863 182 184 >=30 to < 50 480 3.417 443 3.158 141 259 >=50 to < 70 215 2.194 195 2.012 61 182 >=70 to < 100 193 3.012 176 2.785 39 227 >=100 to < 150 152 3.127 135 2.894 40 233 >=150 to < 200 71 1.700 64 1.581 20 119 >=200 to < 300 88 2.621 76 2.217 31 404 >=300 to < 500 58 1.887 50 1.785 17 102 >=500 to < 1000 25 1.143 23 1.068 9 75 >= 1000 11 655 10 571 3 84 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute