Agrcultural Census 2.- Clasificación según superficie agrícola utilizada Operations with irrigation equipment. Unidades: Operations Operations with owned irrigation equipment Operations with permanent irrigation equipment Operations with mobile irrigation equipment Total operations 9.592 8.341 1.443 without land .. .. .. with lands 9.592 8.341 1.443 without UAA .. .. .. with UAA 9.592 8.341 1.443 > 0.0 - < 0.2 572 511 62 >= 0.2 - < 0.5 761 680 87 >= 0.5 - < 1 953 878 84 >= 1 - < 2 1.344 1.212 141 >= 2 - < 3 960 873 106 >= 3 - < 4 768 670 108 >= 4 - < 5 611 537 85 >= 5 - < 10 1.541 1.301 279 >= 10 - < 20 910 773 170 >= 20 - < 30 348 286 79 >= 30 - < 50 314 245 78 >= 50 - < 70 181 124 64 >= 70 - < 100 154 117 44 >= 100 - < 150 91 74 25 >= 150 - < 200 29 21 9 >= 200 - < 300 28 21 11 >= 300 - < 500 16 10 6 >= 500 - < 1,000 8 5 3 >= 1,000 3 3 2 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute