Economically Active Population Survey National results Persons between 15 and 74 years of age born abroad, depending on whether or not they have participated in a Spanish course, by sex and age group. Unidades: Thousands Persons, % Absolute values Percentage Total Yes (*) No, because language courses were not available or affordable No, because language skills were sufficient No, for other reasons No answer/Don't know Total Yes (*) No, because language courses were not available or affordable No, because language skills were sufficient No, for other reasons No answer/Don't know Both sexes Total 6.239,1 1.055 145,7 3.538,6 1.297,8 202,1 100 16,91 2,33 56,72 20,8 3,24 15-34 2.036,8 341,5 41 1.242,9 361,9 49,5 100 16,76 2,01 61,02 17,77 2,43 35-54 2.998,8 527,3 76,8 1.641,8 636,7 116,1 100 17,58 2,56 54,75 21,23 3,87 55-74 1.203,6 186,2 27,9 653,9 299,1 36,5 100 15,47 2,32 54,33 24,85 3,03 Males Total 2.910,4 478 74,1 1.562,1 675,6 120,6 100 16,42 2,55 53,67 23,21 4,14 15-34 962,8 152,4 22,1 567,1 190,1 31,1 100 15,83 2,3 58,9 19,75 3,23 35-54 1.391,2 244,5 31,4 713,2 331,1 70,9 100 17,57 2,26 51,27 23,8 5,1 55-74 556,4 81,2 20,5 281,8 154,4 18,5 100 14,59 3,69 50,65 27,75 3,33 Females Total 3.328,8 576,9 71,6 1.976,5 622,1 81,6 100 17,33 2,15 59,38 18,69 2,45 15-34 1.074 189,1 18,9 675,8 171,8 18,3 100 17,61 1,76 62,93 16 1,71 35-54 1.607,6 282,8 45,3 928,6 305,6 45,2 100 17,59 2,82 57,76 19,01 2,81 55-74 647,2 105 7,3 372,1 144,7 18 100 16,23 1,13 57,5 22,36 2,78 Notas: (*) It includes those who have participated in a general Spanish course or in a specific Spanish course for working Fuente: National Statistics Institute