Data relating to the electoral census Distribution of number of municipalities and number of CRV voters by type, province of registration and intervals of voters of CRV in municipalities. Unidades: municipalities and voters up to 1.000 1.001 to 2.000 2.001 to 5.000 5.001 to 10.000 10.001 to 50.000 more than 50.000 Total distribution number of municipalities TOTAL Andaluc¡a 253 137 186 87 103 19 785 Almer¡a 54 19 15 6 7 2 103 C diz 3 6 10 7 12 7 45 C¢rdoba 16 13 24 13 10 1 77 Granada 89 27 28 15 14 1 174 Huelva 29 17 17 6 10 1 80 Ja‚n 21 24 31 10 10 1 97 M laga 35 20 26 5 14 3 103 Sevilla 6 11 35 25 26 3 106 distribution number of voters of CRV TOTAL Andaluc¡a 124.631 201.087 594.052 627.343 2.085.298 2.745.941 6.378.352 Almer¡a 19.026 26.411 49.700 42.207 129.108 201.859 468.311 C diz 1.690 9.093 38.558 49.153 260.858 623.775 983.127 C¢rdoba 9.763 18.847 73.770 89.317 176.865 258.235 626.797 Granada 48.294 41.438 89.251 110.967 239.416 178.927 708.293 Huelva 13.253 27.104 54.084 45.373 142.607 111.497 393.918 Ja‚n 12.536 35.302 98.179 71.926 200.684 89.954 508.581 M laga 16.479 28.123 75.080 38.404 424.788 585.138 1.168.012 Sevilla 3.590 14.769 115.430 179.996 510.972 696.556 1.521.313 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute