Statistics on R&D Activities in the Business Sector 2021 Serie. Results based on Statistical Enterprises Indicators of personnel in intramural R&D, in FTE, by sector of performance Unidades: specified in the variables Total: Expenditure on intramural R&D (thousands of euros) per researcher in full-time equivalent Total: Other personnel per researcher Government.: Expenditure on intramural R&D (thousands of euros) per researcher in full-time equivalent Government: Other personnel per researcher (full-time equivalent) Higher Education: Expenditure on intramural R&D (thousands of euros) per researcher in full-time equivalent Higher Education: Other personnel per researcher (full-time equivalent) Enterprises: Expenditure on intramural R&D (thousands of euros) per researcher in full-time equivalent Enterprises: Other personnel per researcher (full-time equivalent) PNP: Expenditure on intramural R&D (thousands of euros) per researcher in full-time equivalent PNP: Other personnel per researcher (full-time equivalent) 2021 111,92 0,62 124,26 0,89 65,54 0,26 160,6 0,93 160,74 0,82 Notas: In full-time equivalent '...' data not available Fuente: National Statistics Institute