Statistics on R&D Activities in the Business Sector Total sectors. Results based on Legal Units Personnel in intramural R&D, in head count, by sector of performance, occupation and sex Unidades: full-time and part-time persons Total Researchers Technicians Other supporting staff Total Women Total Women Total Women Total Women Total 398.862 165.830 255.409 106.244 100.512 37.944 42.942 21.643 Government 63.924 36.113 37.937 20.775 17.764 10.675 8.223 4.663 Higher education 170.617 79.580 137.380 60.487 15.854 8.213 17.383 10.880 Enterprises 163.268 49.570 79.495 24.694 66.542 18.848 17.232 6.029 PNP 1.053 567 597 288 352 208 104 71 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute