Overall results university education Personnel by sex, type of task/educational level and dependence on the institute Units: persons Total 1. Religious Institute 2. Lay Persons Institute 1. Total Degree Teaching Personnel 22,189 11,775 10,414 2. Total Official Master's Teaching Personnel 10,785 4,639 6,146 3. Total Personnel Doctorate 1,800 1,337 463 4. Total Personnel Unofficial studies 4,544 2,390 2,154 5. Total Faculty que realiza labores de investigación 6,094 3,437 2,657 6. Total Faculty Otras tareas 4,229 1,746 2,483 7. Total Total Faculty 28,086 13,478 14,608 8. Total Staff Docente Autónomo 29,292 9,825 19,467 9. Total Staff a la investigación en exclusiva 1,422 808 614 10. Total Staff otros servicios 14,601 7,258 7,343 11. Total Institution staff 44,109 21,544 22,565 1. Women Faculty Undergraduate Teaching 10,760 5,470 5,290 2. Women Faculty Official Master's Degree 4,955 1,936 3,019 3. Women Faculty Doctorate 763 560 203 4. Women Faculty non-official studies 1,914 933 981 5. Mujeres Faculty que realiza labores de investigación 2,947 1,641 1,306 6. Mujeres Faculty Otras tareas 2,187 885 1,302 7. Mujeres Total Faculty 13,367 6,065 7,302 8. Mujeres Personal Docente Autónomo 12,603 3,780 8,823 9. Mujeres Personal servicios complementarios 657 433 224 10. Mujeres Personal otros servicios 9,670 4,733 4,937 11. Mujeres Total Institution staff 23,694 11,231 12,463 Notes: 1) Staff working full-time and part-time are included. 2) A person who performs various tasks or teaches regulated education at various academic levels is counted in each of these Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística