Statistics on Biotechnology Use Use of biotechnology. Year 2019 Total internal expenditure in R&D activities in Biotechnology by years and sectors/unit. Unidades: thousands of euros and percentage Total (thousands of euros) Public Administration: Total (thousands of euros) Public Administration: % Higher education: Total (thousands of euros) Higher education: % Companies: Total (thousands of euros) Business: % PNPI: Total (thousands of euros) PNPI: % 2021 2.269.251 716.877 31,6 500.703 22,1 1.037.887 45,7 13.783 0,6 2020 2.059.394 678.685 33 477.628 23,2 897.333 43,6 5.748 0,3 2019 2.040.323 652.393 32 442.089 21,7 940.230 46,1 5.611 0,3 2018 1.783.011 596.928 33,5 411.163 23,1 769.431 43,2 5.489 0,3 2017 1.693.773 610.723 36,1 397.671 23,5 679.558 40,1 5.821 0,3 2016 1.579.928 578.188 36,6 380.311 24,1 616.053 39 5.376 0,3 2015 1.540.444 578.663 37,6 378.946 24,6 578.171 37,5 4.664 0,3 2014 1.450.426 553.526 38,2 357.077 24,6 533.826 36,8 5.998 0,4 2013 1.429.691 557.651 39 353.001 24,7 514.529 36 4.510 0,3 2012 1.455.171 583.886 40,1 343.015 23,6 523.344 36 4.926 0,3 2011 1.504.219 606.251 40,3 356.451 23,7 537.884 35,8 3.633 0,2 2010 1.573.075 643.819 40,9 355.135 22,6 568.280 36,1 5.841 0,4 2009 1.439.836 608.431 42,3 318.484 22,1 511.152 35,5 1.769 0,1 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute