Registered health professionals. Year 2020 Registered Dental Technicians by year and sex Units: absolute values Total Men Women 2021 7,497 5,221 2,276 2020 7,395 5,242 2,153 2019 7,530 5,327 2,203 2018 7,477 5,322 2,155 2017 7,248 5,193 2,055 2016 7,164 5,172 1,992 2015 6,672 4,972 1,700 2014 6,247 4,804 1,443 2013 6,232 4,831 1,401 2012 6,161 4,847 1,314 Notes: 1) Registered (affiliated) professionals in Spain at 31 December. Source: General Council of the Official Associations of Dental Technicians and Official Associations of Qualified Dental Technicians