Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Diagnosed disabilities, impairments and diseases (**) Population with disabilities that has certain chronic illnesses diagnosed, according to the illness, by sex Unidades: persons 6 years old and over residing in centres Both sexes Males Females Total 269.139 93.546 175.593 Spinal cord injury 2.365 1.230 1.135 Parkinson's 12.177 3.983 8.195 Lateral sclerosis 706 276 430 Multiple sclerosis 1.686 677 1.009 Agenesis / Amputation 2.758 1.675 1.084 Laryngectomy 550 415 135 Arthritis / Arthrosis 89.790 18.905 70.885 Rheumatoid arthritis. Ankylosing spondylitis 9.933 2.120 7.813 Muscular dystrophy 9.155 2.905 6.251 Spina bifida / hydrocephaly 167 52 115 Myocardial infarction. Ischaemic cardiopathy 19.562 7.160 12.401 Cerebrovascular accidents 24.217 8.563 15.654 Down's syndrome 2.500 1.536 964 Autism and other disorders associated with autism 1.666 1.173 493 Cerebral paralysis 5.904 3.488 2.416 Acquired brain damage 15.620 9.018 6.602 Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type 38.463 7.120 31.343 Other types of dementia 58.353 16.787 41.566 Schizophrenia 20.535 12.441 8.094 Depression 29.137 6.553 22.584 Bipolar disorder 3.080 910 2.169 Pigmentary retinosis 267 64 204 Myopia magna 2.701 1.196 1.504 Senile macular degeneration 3.944 838 3.106 Diabetic retinopathy 7.976 2.764 5.212 Glaucoma 5.784 1.831 3.953 Cataract 39.632 10.121 29.510 HIV/AIDS 351 201 150 Rare illnesses 2.713 1.263 1.450 Renal failure 8.371 2.957 5.415 Cancer 7.835 3.345 4.490 Notas: A person may have more than one illness 2) The data corresponding to cells with fewer than one thousand persons must be viewed with caution, because it may be affected by large sampling errors. Fuente: National Statistics Institute