Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Relative figures Percentage of persons with disabilities, according to the frequency of visits from relatives and friends, by age and sex Unidades: percentage Total 6 to 64 years old 65 to 79 years old 80 years old and over Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females A parent: Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Every day or almost every day 16,7 22,85 12,71 39,94 45,53 34,82 1,21 0,76 1,48 0,03 0 0,04 Once or twice a week 4,65 5,62 4,02 11,04 10,91 11,16 0,45 0,65 0,32 0 0 0 Once or twice a month 2,39 2,94 2,03 5,65 5,76 5,55 0,25 0,27 0,24 0 0 0 Less frequently 3,64 4,2 3,28 8,31 7,69 8,87 0,68 1,14 0,41 0,12 0,15 0,11 They have no parents 72,63 64,39 77,97 35,06 30,11 39,6 97,41 97,17 97,55 99,85 99,85 99,85 A son/daughter: Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Every day or almost every day 60,3 51,98 65,69 52,7 42,38 62,06 62,23 57,44 65,11 69,55 67,69 70,3 Once or twice a week 11,4 10,83 11,78 5,91 4,25 7,41 17,82 18,75 17,26 12,26 15,26 11,05 Once or twice a month 3,11 3,48 2,87 1,77 1,78 1,77 4,69 5,76 4,04 3,31 4,29 2,91 Less frequently 2,91 3,44 2,58 2,46 2,91 2,06 4,04 4,7 3,64 2,29 2,85 2,06 They have no children 22,27 30,27 17,09 37,16 48,68 26,7 11,23 13,35 9,95 12,58 9,9 13,67 A sibling: Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Every day or almost every day 21,53 25,36 19,03 32,86 37,15 28,94 16,45 16,05 16,69 10,09 9,57 10,31 Once or twice a week 18,23 18,69 17,93 23,39 21,73 24,9 17,54 17,63 17,48 11,15 12,6 10,57 Once or twice a month 14,43 15,05 14,03 15,55 15,51 15,58 16,06 17,07 15,44 10,85 10,8 10,87 Less frequently 26,7 25,22 27,66 19,94 17,54 22,13 32,87 33,27 32,63 29,88 32,47 28,83 They have no siblings 19,11 15,68 21,34 8,26 8,06 8,45 17,09 15,98 17,76 38,03 34,57 39,42 A grandchild: Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Every day or almost every day 27,05 21,03 30,98 12,62 8,71 16,2 36,27 31,68 39,01 38,59 36,42 39,47 Once or twice a week 17,22 15,06 18,63 6,03 4,29 7,62 25,88 24,78 26,54 24,41 27,93 22,99 Once or twice a month 6,54 5,55 7,19 2,08 1,46 2,65 8,79 9,06 8,63 10,81 10,74 10,83 Less frequently 5,45 4,84 5,84 2,03 1,54 2,49 7,23 7,95 6,8 8,64 8,6 8,65 They have no grandchildren 43,73 53,51 37,36 77,24 84 71,04 21,83 26,53 19,02 17,56 16,3 18,06 A parent-in-law: Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Every day or almost every day 3,21 4,9 2,13 7,05 8,47 5,76 0,98 2,14 0,29 0,14 0,32 0,07 Once or twice a week 3,93 4,61 3,49 9,29 8,93 9,63 0,48 0,65 0,37 0,03 0 0,04 Once or twice a month 3 3,64 2,59 6,96 6,71 7,2 0,5 0,98 0,22 0,07 0,15 0,04 Less frequently 4,55 4,95 4,29 10,22 8,81 11,51 1,16 1,91 0,72 0,13 0,08 0,15 They have no parents-in-law 85,3 81,91 87,5 66,47 67,09 65,89 96,87 94,32 98,4 99,63 99,44 99,7 Another relative: Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Every day or almost every day 16,95 17,48 16,61 17,88 19,32 16,58 15,01 15,18 14,9 17,79 16,36 18,37 Once or twice a week 19,65 21 18,78 23,42 24,3 22,62 17,68 17,5 17,79 16,22 18,06 15,47 Once or twice a month 16,13 15,95 16,24 17,17 16,61 17,68 16,87 16,63 17,01 13,7 13,3 13,86 Less frequently 32,18 31,91 32,35 30,53 29,29 31,64 34,26 35,21 33,69 32,26 33,46 31,78 They have no other relatives 15,1 13,66 16,03 11,01 10,48 11,48 16,18 15,48 16,61 20,03 18,82 20,52 A friend, not a neighbour: Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Every day or almost every day 35,07 38,76 32,69 38,32 40,28 36,54 37,15 39,99 35,45 27,74 33,08 25,59 Once or twice a week 28,69 29,38 28,24 31,96 31,48 32,4 28,2 27,99 28,32 24,29 26,24 23,51 Once or twice a month 10,59 9,54 11,27 10,34 8,83 11,71 10,36 10,15 10,48 11,23 10,39 11,57 Less frequently 12,67 11,73 13,28 9,26 8,78 9,7 13 12,66 13,21 17,46 17,71 17,35 They do not have friends 12,98 10,59 14,52 10,11 10,63 9,65 11,29 9,22 12,54 19,27 12,57 21,97 Notas: The data corresponding to cells with fewer than 5 thousand persons must be viewed with caution, because it may be affected by large sampling errors. Fuente: National Statistics Institute