Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Relative figures Percentage of persons with disabilities who have some difficulty when using transport, according to the type of difficulty, by group of impairment and sex Unidades: percentage Total Mental impairments Visual impairments Hearing impairments Language, speech and voice impairments Osteoarticular impairments Nervous system impairments Visceral impairments Other impairments Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Total persons who use public transport 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total persons with some difficulty in public transport 58,14 52,02 62,25 70,29 63,97 77,05 64,2 54,59 70,64 42,94 34,92 48,83 63,25 63,04 63,68 69,81 64,83 71,69 71,45 74,62 68,81 65,55 60,64 69,37 74,75 68,24 77,95 Public transport: to access stations, stops, platforms, etc. 30,97 25,81 34,42 35,71 28,43 43,51 35,99 26,91 42,07 22,33 15,36 27,45 35,88 37,7 32,15 40,22 37,44 41,26 47,03 50,06 44,52 38,37 34,66 41,26 45,66 38,18 49,32 Public transport: in arriving at the vehicle 25,64 21,08 28,7 28,72 21,44 36,5 28,99 21,66 33,9 19,2 13,3 23,52 31,56 33,56 27,47 34,45 30,84 35,8 41,07 44,54 38,19 32,74 29,25 35,46 43,07 35,13 46,96 Public transport: in getting into or out of the vehicle 40,71 30,83 47,35 37,03 28,27 46,4 40,82 29,79 48,2 29,8 21,05 36,23 38,97 38,28 40,38 60,04 51,33 63,32 58,07 58,47 57,74 50,63 40,12 58,8 57,91 47,05 63,24 Public transport: getting in the seat 24,55 19,36 28,04 28,19 21,29 35,57 25,65 18,5 30,43 17,02 11,92 20,76 28,17 28,65 27,18 34,96 30,12 36,77 38,87 39,66 38,21 33,61 27,43 38,42 38,64 32,2 41,8 Public transport: in paying for or making use of the transport pass 16,74 16,59 16,85 38,56 34,8 42,58 18,88 16,73 20,32 11,89 9,89 13,36 35,25 38,62 28,35 13,26 12,02 13,72 27,14 33,68 21,7 15,67 15,61 15,71 24,08 20,84 25,67 Public transport: in finding their bearing in stations, airports or ports 22,21 20,93 23,07 50,84 45,69 56,35 30,42 25,88 33,46 18,22 14,3 21,09 32,86 36,25 25,94 16,42 13,6 17,48 29,74 33,58 26,56 22,25 22,94 21,72 37,97 31,66 41,06 Public transport: in reading, interpreting or understanding the maps and signals 25,41 24,28 26,17 53,13 49,93 56,55 41,53 36,47 44,92 18,48 13,98 21,8 40,64 40,77 40,38 18,88 15,6 20,11 29,72 34,07 26,1 25,17 23,2 26,7 39,64 34,12 42,35 Public transport: in deciding the itinerary 20,31 19,54 20,82 52,47 46,81 58,53 25,58 21,96 28 16,45 12,61 19,27 35,87 37,11 33,35 15,78 13,55 16,62 29,68 33,66 26,37 22,06 21,15 22,76 32,96 27,9 35,44 Public transport: other problems 13,79 13,48 14,01 29,2 27,03 31,51 16,74 16,17 17,12 11,3 8,96 13,02 25,77 24,78 27,77 11,14 10,77 11,28 19,83 21,26 18,63 15,07 15,39 14,82 21,73 16,82 24,14 Total persons who use private transport 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total persons with some difficulty in private transport 50,55 38,7 58,15 55,53 39,42 66,57 52,38 37,85 60,72 41,16 27,13 51,79 66,78 61,07 74,51 63,98 53,15 68,34 69,24 68,53 69,75 62,38 52,04 68,82 71,39 59,81 75,51 Private transport: in arriving at the vehicle 35,48 27,03 40,91 44,54 32,08 53,08 40,02 27,86 46,99 28,56 17,61 36,85 59,76 53,25 68,56 40,97 31,18 44,92 54,16 55,07 53,53 45,37 38,17 49,86 53,64 44,23 56,99 Private transport: in getting into or out of the vehicle, or accessing the seat 48,62 36,61 56,33 53,7 37,53 64,78 49,68 34,94 58,13 40,2 26,26 50,76 66,68 60,9 74,51 62,87 52,28 67,13 67,01 66,13 67,63 59,72 48,52 66,7 69,86 57,62 74,22 Notas: A person may have several original impairments 2) The data corresponding to cells with fewer than 5 thousand persons must be viewed with caution, because they may be affected by large sampling errors. Fuente: National Statistics Institute