Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Relative figures (**) Percentage of persons with disabilities, according to Autonomous Community, level of studies, age and sex of the main carer Unidades: Rate per 100 persons with disabilities who receive personal care Total Under 65 years of age 65 years old and over Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Total Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cannot read or write 3,64 3,46 3,7 1,62 1,3 1,7 8,82 6,26 10,36 Incomplete primary education 21,81 24,58 20,92 13,89 10,69 14,64 42,11 42,6 41,82 Primary education or the equivalent 33,61 31,34 34,33 34,15 31,09 34,87 32,22 31,66 32,56 Secondary education, 1st stage 13,81 12,01 14,38 17,03 16,91 17,05 5,55 5,66 5,48 Upper-secondary education 9,85 9,74 9,88 12,03 13,98 11,57 4,26 4,24 4,27 Intermediate professional training or the equivalent 5,55 4,75 5,81 7,12 6,6 7,24 1,54 2,36 1,05 Advanced professional training or the equivalent 2,97 3,93 2,67 3,72 5,91 3,2 1,07 1,35 0,9 University studies or the equivalent 8,76 10,18 8,31 10,45 13,51 9,73 4,43 5,86 3,57 Andalucía Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cannot read or write 6,48 6,45 6,5 2,97 1,32 3,29 17,47 13,77 19,56 Incomplete primary education 27,59 32,61 26,23 21,49 18,14 22,16 46,62 53,27 42,85 Primary education or the equivalent 29,64 22,77 31,49 31,67 25,77 32,84 23,29 18,47 26,02 Secondary education, 1st stage 12,48 12,38 12,51 15,5 18,37 14,93 3,06 3,82 2,62 Upper-secondary education 9,54 11,26 9,07 11,55 16,87 10,49 3,26 3,25 3,26 Intermediate professional training or the equivalent 4,76 1,67 5,6 5,89 2,37 6,59 1,23 0,68 1,55 Advanced professional training or the equivalent 2,04 2,97 1,78 2,51 4,09 2,2 0,55 1,36 0,09 University studies or the equivalent 7,48 9,9 6,82 8,42 13,06 7,5 4,53 5,38 4,05 Aragón Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cannot read or write 0,86 1,51 0,52 0,72 2,34 0,09 1,14 0,49 1,72 Incomplete primary education 21,17 30,35 16,43 9,07 7,15 9,82 46,46 59,25 35,18 Primary education or the equivalent 43,17 36,79 46,47 43,04 41,01 43,83 43,45 31,55 53,95 Secondary education, 1st stage 8,09 5,41 9,47 11,25 9,75 11,83 1,47 .. 2,77 Upper-secondary education 9 3,59 11,79 12,24 4,81 15,12 2,22 2,07 2,35 Intermediate professional training or the equivalent 5,97 6,71 5,59 8,32 10,28 7,56 1,06 2,27 .. Advanced professional training or the equivalent 4,05 3,8 4,18 5,54 5,23 5,65 0,95 2,02 .. University studies or the equivalent 7,69 11,83 5,56 9,82 19,43 6,1 3,25 2,35 4,03 Asturias (Principado de) Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cannot read or write 1,28 1,32 1,26 .. .. .. 3,8 2,33 4,85 Incomplete primary education 10,91 13,15 10,19 5,62 3,19 6,08 21,38 20,75 21,82 Primary education or the equivalent 49,52 48,6 49,82 45,51 32,81 47,92 57,45 60,64 55,2 Secondary education, 1st stage 7,02 12,74 5,15 7,43 21,63 4,73 6,2 5,97 6,36 Upper-secondary education 16,59 15,42 16,97 21,34 25,53 20,54 7,21 7,7 6,86 Intermediate professional training or the equivalent 4,14 5,25 3,78 6,24 12,14 5,11 .. .. .. Advanced professional training or the equivalent 5,26 .. 6,97 6,46 .. 7,69 2,87 .. 4,91 University studies or the equivalent 5,28 3,52 5,86 7,41 4,7 7,93 1,08 2,62 .. Balears (Illes) Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cannot read or write 1,87 3,33 1,58 1,75 .. 2,02 2,24 7,97 .. Incomplete primary education 14,59 16,6 14,18 5,29 .. 6,1 42,05 39,66 42,98 Primary education or the equivalent 41,41 28,72 44,01 46,55 34,37 48,41 26,24 20,87 28,33 Secondary education, 1st stage 4,24 .. 5,11 4,25 .. 4,89 4,22 .. 5,87 Upper-secondary education 18,83 11,11 20,41 20,37 9,83 21,98 14,28 12,89 14,82 Intermediate professional training or the equivalent 4,12 4,36 4,07 5,52 7,5 5,21 .. .. .. Advanced professional training or the equivalent 2,4 3,73 2,13 1,21 .. 1,4 5,9 8,92 4,72 University studies or the equivalent 12,53 32,15 8,52 15,06 48,3 9,99 5,08 9,69 3,28 Canarias Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cannot read or write 6,8 11,54 5,53 1,7 .. 2,09 19,78 31,42 15,37 Incomplete primary education 31,34 26,26 32,7 22,42 22,64 22,37 54,07 32,49 62,25 Primary education or the equivalent 25,4 18,11 27,35 29,92 21,89 31,75 13,89 11,59 14,76 Secondary education, 1st stage 12,71 8,9 13,72 17,25 14,06 17,98 1,12 .. 1,54 Upper-secondary education 9,49 14,81 8,07 11,42 20,25 9,41 4,57 5,44 4,25 Intermediate professional training or the equivalent 3,45 2,15 3,8 4,81 3,4 5,13 .. .. .. Advanced professional training or the equivalent 3,14 6,47 2,25 4,38 10,23 3,04 .. .. .. University studies or the equivalent 7,66 11,76 6,57 8,1 7,52 8,23 6,56 19,07 1,83 Cantabria Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cannot read or write .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Incomplete primary education 8,3 5,08 9,52 1,71 1,47 1,79 33,3 15,26 42,77 Primary education or the equivalent 44,96 38,93 47,24 41,02 28,22 45,42 59,91 69,1 55,08 Secondary education, 1st stage 13,53 8,69 15,35 17,09 11,77 18,92 .. .. .. Upper-secondary education 7,11 13,75 4,59 8,18 15,52 5,66 3,02 8,78 .. Intermediate professional training or the equivalent 7,1 3,45 8,48 8,98 4,67 10,46 .. .. .. Advanced professional training or the equivalent 3,57 5,65 2,78 3,89 5,23 3,43 2,36 6,86 .. University studies or the equivalent 15,43 24,44 12,03 19,13 33,11 14,32 1,41 .. 2,16 Castilla y León Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cannot read or write 0,65 .. 0,88 0,3 .. 0,38 1,32 .. 2 Incomplete primary education 17,73 19,59 17,09 8,25 10,78 7,58 35,38 29,58 38,42 Primary education or the equivalent 38,29 35,62 39,21 35,55 29,68 37,1 43,4 42,36 43,95 Secondary education, 1st stage 12,57 12,72 12,52 14,57 14,92 14,47 8,87 10,24 8,15 Upper-secondary education 13,15 12,98 13,2 17,27 18,01 17,07 5,47 7,27 4,53 Intermediate professional training or the equivalent 5,11 4,97 5,15 7,34 6,91 7,45 0,95 2,78 .. Advanced professional training or the equivalent 2,22 3,18 1,89 3,34 5,98 2,64 0,15 .. 0,22 University studies or the equivalent 10,27 10,93 10,04 13,39 13,72 13,3 4,46 7,77 2,73 Castilla-La Mancha Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cannot read or write 6,21 6,47 6,12 1,71 .. 2,02 16,77 11,41 21,66 Incomplete primary education 31,82 39,5 29,24 20,74 9,48 22,81 57,8 62,39 53,6 Primary education or the equivalent 32,63 26,26 34,77 38,77 34,93 39,48 18,25 19,65 16,98 Secondary education, 1st stage 10,61 9,68 10,92 13,82 18,47 12,96 3,1 2,99 3,2 Upper-secondary education 8,14 6,78 8,6 11,01 13,31 10,58 1,44 1,79 1,12 Intermediate professional training or the equivalent 3,93 3,52 4,07 5,47 7,27 5,14 0,32 0,67 .. Advanced professional training or the equivalent 1,52 2,54 1,18 2,17 5,88 1,49 .. .. .. University studies or the equivalent 5,13 5,24 5,09 6,32 10,66 5,53 2,33 1,11 3,45 Cataluña Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cannot read or write 2,72 0,9 3,4 2,21 1,13 2,52 4,03 0,56 6,24 Incomplete primary education 22,07 21,98 22,1 14,53 12,02 15,24 41,16 36,38 44,21 Primary education or the equivalent 35,31 32,12 36,49 36,31 31,05 37,82 32,77 33,66 32,2 Secondary education, 1st stage 11,71 9,54 12,51 14,68 13,08 15,13 4,19 4,43 4,03 Upper-secondary education 8,91 9,69 8,62 9,65 11,71 9,06 7,03 6,76 7,2 Intermediate professional training or the equivalent 6,33 8,86 5,4 7,08 9,35 6,43 4,45 8,16 2,08 Advanced professional training or the equivalent 3,28 5,36 2,51 3,79 7,25 2,8 1,97 2,63 1,55 University studies or the equivalent 9,67 11,55 8,98 11,75 14,41 11 4,4 7,42 2,49 Comunitat Valenciana Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cannot read or write 3,52 4,69 3,09 1,58 3,52 1,01 8,66 6,5 10,04 Incomplete primary education 19,15 20,68 18,59 9,78 6,55 10,73 43,96 42,5 44,89 Primary education or the equivalent 27,7 27,96 27,6 27,4 28,36 27,12 28,5 27,35 29,22 Secondary education, 1st stage 21,83 20,75 22,23 26,13 27,16 25,83 10,45 10,86 10,19 Upper-secondary education 9,79 9,51 9,89 12,37 13,15 12,14 2,96 3,89 2,36 Intermediate professional training or the equivalent 6,91 4,19 7,92 9 6,9 9,62 1,37 .. 2,25 Advanced professional training or the equivalent 1,99 1,5 2,17 2,74 2,48 2,82 .. .. .. University studies or the equivalent 9,1 10,71 8,5 10,99 11,89 10,73 4,1 8,89 1,06 Extremadura Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cannot read or write 8,47 6,58 9,04 3,8 2,98 3,94 17,86 9,24 23,64 Incomplete primary education 31,78 48,35 26,76 19,02 21,75 18,55 57,41 68,04 50,27 Primary education or the equivalent 26 15,16 29,27 31,15 19,26 33,21 15,65 12,13 18,01 Secondary education, 1st stage 22,17 19,35 23,02 28,68 31,18 28,24 9,09 10,59 8,09 Upper-secondary education 3,38 2,53 3,64 5,07 5,95 4,92 .. .. .. Intermediate professional training or the equivalent 4,89 3,54 5,3 7,33 8,32 7,16 .. .. .. Advanced professional training or the equivalent 0,84 1,23 0,73 1,27 2,9 0,98 .. .. .. University studies or the equivalent 2,47 3,26 2,23 3,69 7,67 3 .. .. .. Galicia Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cannot read or write 1,75 0,73 2,05 .. .. .. 6,85 2,03 9,05 Incomplete primary education 20,33 23,48 19,43 12,89 13,24 12,8 42,02 41,85 42,1 Primary education or the equivalent 37,72 34,21 38,72 39,62 32,87 41,22 32,18 36,62 30,17 Secondary education, 1st stage 18,02 16 18,6 21,28 20,4 21,48 8,54 8,11 8,73 Upper-secondary education 8,3 8,84 8,15 10,1 11,91 9,67 3,08 3,33 2,97 Intermediate professional training or the equivalent 4,07 5,22 3,74 5,38 7,63 4,84 0,28 0,9 .. Advanced professional training or the equivalent 3,78 5,82 3,2 4,33 7,45 3,59 2,18 2,89 1,86 University studies or the equivalent 6,02 5,7 6,11 6,42 6,5 6,4 4,87 4,27 5,14 Madrid (Comunidad de) Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cannot read or write 2,11 4,1 1,38 0,49 2,41 .. 5,92 6 5,85 Incomplete primary education 15,18 18,42 13,99 5,74 2,22 6,64 37,37 36,7 37,86 Primary education or the equivalent 34,99 40,08 33,11 33,31 38,23 32,06 38,92 42,17 36,53 Secondary education, 1st stage 10,06 8,41 10,67 13,85 13,46 13,95 1,15 2,71 .. Upper-secondary education 13,3 11,54 13,95 16,37 17,86 15,99 6,09 4,39 7,34 Intermediate professional training or the equivalent 5,54 2,93 6,5 6,88 3,05 7,86 2,37 2,79 2,06 Advanced professional training or the equivalent 1,73 2,28 1,53 1,99 4,3 1,4 1,14 .. 1,97 University studies or the equivalent 17,09 12,25 18,88 21,36 18,46 22,11 7,05 5,24 8,38 Murcia (Región de) Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cannot read or write 4,28 1,78 4,67 0,96 .. 1,07 15,34 4,14 19,21 Incomplete primary education 28,57 39 26,91 22,17 11,27 23,4 49,96 75,74 41,06 Primary education or the equivalent 27,75 37,62 26,18 30,38 50,84 28,06 18,97 20,11 18,58 Secondary education, 1st stage 17,3 3,44 19,51 21,21 6,04 22,93 4,26 .. 5,73 Upper-secondary education 7,47 9,19 7,19 8,51 16,13 7,65 3,98 .. 5,36 Intermediate professional training or the equivalent 5,01 2,14 5,47 6,51 3,75 6,83 .. .. .. Advanced professional training or the equivalent 1,77 3,25 1,54 1,87 5,71 1,43 1,45 .. 1,96 University studies or the equivalent 7,85 3,57 8,53 8,39 6,27 8,63 6,03 .. 8,11 Navarra (Comunidad Foral de) Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cannot read or write 1,88 2,29 1,79 1,5 .. 1,74 3,03 5,44 1,99 Incomplete primary education 13,61 15,95 13,11 8,15 .. 9,43 30,23 37,89 26,93 Primary education or the equivalent 34,01 41,78 32,33 30,59 36,95 29,58 44,41 48,44 42,68 Secondary education, 1st stage 15,94 2,73 18,78 17,82 4,71 19,89 10,22 .. 14,63 Upper-secondary education 12,64 14,18 12,3 15,2 18,49 14,68 4,82 8,23 3,35 Intermediate professional training or the equivalent 10,21 15,27 9,12 12,98 26,37 10,86 1,79 .. 2,56 Advanced professional training or the equivalent 2,7 0,75 3,11 2,96 1,29 3,23 1,88 .. 2,69 University studies or the equivalent 9,02 7,06 9,44 10,8 12,19 10,58 3,61 .. 5,17 País Vasco Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cannot read or write 1,7 1,61 1,73 0,75 .. 0,91 3,72 3,09 4,15 Incomplete primary education 12,03 12,52 11,87 6,46 5,18 6,73 23,88 19,27 27,01 Primary education or the equivalent 35,02 39,9 33,41 28,76 33,78 27,7 48,33 45,53 50,24 Secondary education, 1st stage 12,28 6,02 14,34 14,53 4,52 16,65 7,47 7,4 7,52 Upper-secondary education 7,62 3,29 9,04 9,19 4,08 10,27 4,28 2,56 5,44 Intermediate professional training or the equivalent 10,27 9,16 10,63 13,41 10,03 14,13 3,57 8,36 0,32 Advanced professional training or the equivalent 11,1 14,18 10,08 15,59 25,49 13,5 1,53 3,78 .. University studies or the equivalent 10 13,32 8,9 11,31 16,91 10,12 7,21 10,01 5,32 La Rioja Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cannot read or write 1,72 .. 2,17 .. .. .. 4,25 .. 5,94 Incomplete primary education 21,65 10,49 24,62 13,33 .. 15,88 33,92 19,22 39,75 Primary education or the equivalent 36,24 44,9 33,93 31,11 44,41 28,57 43,81 45,31 43,22 Secondary education, 1st stage 10,4 15,98 8,91 11,41 8,99 11,87 8,9 21,8 3,79 Upper-secondary education 9,47 6,69 10,21 15,89 14,74 16,11 .. .. .. Intermediate professional training or the equivalent 5,94 .. 7,52 7,42 .. 8,83 3,75 .. 5,24 Advanced professional training or the equivalent 6,15 15,42 3,68 7,68 17,53 5,81 3,88 13,67 .. University studies or the equivalent 8,44 6,51 8,95 13,15 14,33 12,93 1,48 .. 2,07 Ceuta Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cannot read or write 22,69 .. 28,18 24,3 .. 28,78 8,92 .. 19,07 Incomplete primary education 14,36 11,97 14,94 15,13 16,77 14,83 7,73 .. 16,51 Primary education or the equivalent 44,23 59,68 40,49 41,34 43,49 40,94 68,9 100 33,56 Secondary education, 1st stage 5,96 .. 7,4 4,96 .. 5,87 14,44 .. 30,86 Upper-secondary education 4,81 20,29 1,07 5,38 28,43 1,14 .. .. .. Intermediate professional training or the equivalent 4,3 .. 5,34 4,81 .. 5,69 .. .. .. Advanced professional training or the equivalent .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. University studies or the equivalent 3,65 8,06 2,58 4,08 11,3 2,75 .. .. .. Melilla Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cannot read or write 15,85 .. 18,52 19 .. 20,56 .. .. .. Incomplete primary education 22,68 8,77 25,03 22,71 .. 24,56 22,54 15,56 29,24 Primary education or the equivalent 30,28 30 30,33 28,28 .. 30,59 40,33 53,23 27,95 Secondary education, 1st stage 9,39 13,57 8,68 4,55 .. 4,93 33,63 24,08 42,8 Upper-secondary education 8,64 34,42 4,29 10,36 78,86 4,76 .. .. .. Intermediate professional training or the equivalent 5,96 .. 6,96 7,15 .. 7,73 .. .. .. Advanced professional training or the equivalent 3,12 .. 3,65 3,75 .. 4,05 .. .. .. University studies or the equivalent 4,08 13,25 2,53 4,2 21,14 2,81 3,5 7,14 .. Notas: The data corresponding to cells with fewer than 5000 persons must be be taken with caution because it may be affected by a high incidence of sampling errors, with the exception of the Autonomous Communities of Andalucía, Aragón and Navarra, in which the reference values shall be 2800, 2300 and 1500 persons, respectively. Fuente: National Statistics Institute