Structural business statistics: trade sector Regionalised figures by autonomous communities and cities Units: Premises, Thousands Euros, Persons G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 2020 2019 2018 National Total Número de locales 858,222 879,679 878,482 Net turnover 764,711,691 836,129,854 812,075,483 Salaries and wages 56,498,728 60,277,226 56,738,197 Gross investment in tangible assets 10,397,084 10,771,622 11,465,220 Employed persons 3,118,428 3,216,989 3,150,947 01 Andalucía Número de locales 157,542 161,493 161,256 Net turnover 96,924,310 104,111,613 97,605,052 Salaries and wages 7,090,812 7,609,043 7,071,875 Gross investment in tangible assets 1,555,274 1,511,555 1,525,970 Employed persons 500,877 516,684 503,639 02 Aragón Número de locales 22,009 22,215 22,659 Net turnover 19,895,133 20,268,338 19,887,588 Salaries and wages 1,484,896 1,551,909 1,494,633 Gross investment in tangible assets 321,475 290,296 363,464 Employed persons 82,793 83,389 83,547 03 Asturias, Principado de Número de locales 16,970 17,273 17,845 Net turnover 10,660,507 11,119,863 10,650,459 Salaries and wages 928,809 1,005,906 957,229 Gross investment in tangible assets 192,351 188,688 161,142 Employed persons 59,312 60,256 61,059 04 Balears, Illes Número de locales 20,110 20,721 20,427 Net turnover 12,629,959 15,387,624 15,364,461 Salaries and wages 1,161,189 1,386,146 1,305,416 Gross investment in tangible assets 216,962 234,601 270,387 Employed persons 73,337 78,969 76,594 05 Canarias Número de locales 39,725 42,531 40,947 Net turnover 24,553,658 29,566,638 28,718,275 Salaries and wages 2,084,537 2,440,117 2,275,715 Gross investment in tangible assets 470,906 527,724 605,485 Employed persons 149,841 159,676 155,869 06 Cantabria Número de locales 9,615 9,618 9,661 Net turnover 6,704,417 6,690,549 6,737,989 Salaries and wages 517,475 558,291 541,633 Gross investment in tangible assets 85,985 109,115 96,989 Employed persons 32,625 32,933 33,586 07 Castilla y León Número de locales 42,080 42,729 43,805 Net turnover 29,032,676 33,281,877 32,489,881 Salaries and wages 1,997,020 2,143,683 2,064,353 Gross investment in tangible assets 443,152 461,180 528,841 Employed persons 131,603 135,336 134,034 08 Castilla - La Mancha Número de locales 36,642 37,193 37,135 Net turnover 23,528,054 24,701,110 23,558,265 Salaries and wages 1,570,477 1,663,820 1,591,842 Gross investment in tangible assets 337,974 350,667 326,877 Employed persons 106,405 108,202 107,456 09 Cataluña Número de locales 145,107 150,390 148,705 Net turnover 149,190,252 162,704,039 157,356,475 Salaries and wages 12,453,473 13,415,421 12,722,605 Gross investment in tangible assets 1,800,890 1,950,230 2,172,793 Employed persons 573,633 593,639 581,148 10 Comunitat Valenciana Número de locales 98,280 101,784 101,400 Net turnover 73,906,179 79,038,269 74,519,268 Salaries and wages 6,129,611 6,559,841 6,133,341 Gross investment in tangible assets 1,267,549 1,443,917 1,461,100 Employed persons 371,437 382,848 371,687 11 Extremadura Número de locales 21,640 22,392 22,477 Net turnover 10,593,792 10,908,438 10,758,493 Salaries and wages 695,896 748,415 708,093 Gross investment in tangible assets 169,448 150,132 190,761 Employed persons 57,669 59,958 59,555 12 Galicia Número de locales 53,384 54,798 54,155 Net turnover 44,500,359 49,172,443 47,102,380 Salaries and wages 2,753,251 2,971,763 2,816,021 Gross investment in tangible assets 585,806 556,651 647,280 Employed persons 169,707 175,265 173,820 13 Madrid, Comunidad de Número de locales 106,786 109,166 109,402 Net turnover 186,088,687 210,071,472 208,173,182 Salaries and wages 12,163,110 12,465,003 11,615,505 Gross investment in tangible assets 1,765,390 1,848,776 1,961,666 Employed persons 487,906 499,238 486,934 14 Murcia, Región de Número de locales 28,797 29,050 28,858 Net turnover 26,218,490 25,564,161 24,201,608 Salaries and wages 1,801,692 1,862,483 1,703,341 Gross investment in tangible assets 416,629 449,507 390,933 Employed persons 121,846 125,033 118,893 15 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de Número de locales 10,625 10,963 11,093 Net turnover 10,441,636 11,048,713 10,358,462 Salaries and wages 655,324 714,435 680,066 Gross investment in tangible assets 222,680 163,559 165,005 Employed persons 36,810 38,467 38,495 16 País Vasco Número de locales 37,473 37,205 38,546 Net turnover 34,010,822 36,444,346 38,528,790 Salaries and wages 2,570,914 2,718,870 2,619,549 Gross investment in tangible assets 430,189 443,222 487,622 Employed persons 133,558 138,286 136,497 17 Rioja, La Número de locales 6,600 6,222 6,134 Net turnover 4,144,365 4,119,199 4,198,781 Salaries and wages 331,875 335,969 319,598 Gross investment in tangible assets 77,382 66,586 60,190 Employed persons 19,795 19,411 19,063 18 Ceuta Número de locales 1,945 1,598 1,678 Net turnover 833,488 1,012,348 959,230 Salaries and wages 58,619 67,945 64,159 Gross investment in tangible assets 19,223 15,069 23,501 Employed persons 4,281 4,401 4,296 19 Melilla Número de locales 2,893 2,338 2,298 Net turnover 854,906 918,817 906,845 Salaries and wages 49,750 58,168 53,224 Gross investment in tangible assets 17,820 10,146 25,214 Employed persons 4,994 4,998 4,778 Notes: 1) To obtain the results by Autonomous Community, the Local Unit whose main acti vity is Trade is considered a statistical unit. These local units may be part of Enterprises whose activity is included in other sectors and, in this case , their data at the Enterprise level is not included in the Trade sector. Ano ther difference between this regional data (by premises) and the national dat a (by enterprises) is that only in the latter is it necessary to apply intern al flow consolidations to each enterprise. This explains why the total turnov er is somewhat higher in regional data than in national data. Source: National Statistics Institute