Hotel Occupancy Survey Hotel Occupancy Survey Overnight stays of the guests by country of residence and category. Unidades: number Total Total gold stars Five gold stars Four gold stars Three gold stars Two gold stars One gold star Total silver stars Two and three silver stars One silver star Total 172.806.694 158.531.446 12.485.122 88.581.064 42.309.743 10.542.684 4.612.832 14.275.248 7.260.110 7.015.138 Residents in Spain 90.699.916 80.234.630 3.790.511 43.079.838 22.514.348 7.559.496 3.290.437 10.465.286 5.473.919 4.991.367 Residents abroad 82.106.778 78.296.815 8.694.612 45.501.226 19.795.395 2.983.188 1.322.394 3.809.963 1.786.191 2.023.772 European Union 27 (without Spain) 55.586.521 53.377.055 4.963.471 31.738.775 13.788.099 1.938.834 947.876 2.209.466 1.156.560 1.052.906 Germany 18.188.741 17.822.419 1.706.056 11.316.969 4.205.692 384.623 209.079 366.322 190.228 176.094 Austria 820.778 790.458 109.300 484.796 158.313 26.589 11.461 30.320 15.391 14.929 Belgium 3.449.475 3.357.198 476.303 2.067.384 678.641 100.249 34.621 92.277 47.404 44.873 Denmark 1.666.191 1.644.903 125.050 945.626 476.824 49.190 48.213 21.288 12.067 9.222 Finland 479.634 457.387 51.648 267.320 113.813 16.834 7.772 22.247 16.383 5.865 France 10.755.705 10.181.240 809.916 5.855.035 2.830.272 460.514 225.503 574.465 298.658 275.808 Greece 160.831 146.430 13.682 86.972 29.492 10.154 6.129 14.401 7.263 7.138 Ireland 1.489.558 1.453.220 202.233 845.994 338.368 53.181 13.444 36.338 19.289 17.049 Italy 3.699.060 3.304.313 223.369 1.800.477 914.669 254.007 111.791 394.747 207.723 187.024 Luxembourg 384.289 377.823 94.497 194.184 80.240 4.930 3.972 6.467 5.036 1.431 Netherlands 5.161.617 4.987.745 476.329 2.780.100 1.455.571 184.308 91.437 173.872 93.961 79.911 Poland 2.445.583 2.364.521 136.059 1.448.530 700.002 54.291 25.640 81.062 38.739 42.323 Portugal 2.188.834 1.994.347 112.585 1.103.298 572.390 144.093 61.980 194.487 105.941 88.546 Czech Republic 737.609 707.914 55.830 404.950 219.834 18.797 8.504 29.695 12.618 17.077 Sweden 1.684.864 1.655.141 194.748 981.971 399.367 52.847 26.207 29.723 15.259 14.464 Norway 595.171 582.573 81.893 334.552 138.007 17.172 10.949 12.598 7.111 5.487 United Kingdom 12.972.473 12.777.160 1.883.052 7.106.840 3.348.707 349.176 89.386 195.312 88.729 106.584 Russia 384.351 345.950 54.660 194.721 73.237 16.534 6.799 38.400 16.795 21.606 Switzerland 2.120.435 2.062.243 366.963 1.196.216 409.914 58.209 30.941 58.193 30.231 27.962 Rest of Europe without U.E. 1.742.877 1.631.241 175.994 931.308 400.274 89.101 34.564 111.635 48.296 63.339 Japan 78.542 72.994 12.155 44.995 11.027 3.728 1.090 5.548 2.993 2.555 Chinese Republic 195.569 179.439 17.773 106.456 36.142 13.727 5.342 16.131 9.830 6.301 United States 2.163.801 2.056.265 434.445 1.188.832 307.784 92.245 32.959 107.536 70.338 37.198 Rest of America 3.178.579 2.639.444 310.582 1.395.647 640.746 200.602 91.867 539.134 227.987 311.147 African countries 1.034.041 665.022 49.383 313.188 184.120 88.210 30.122 369.019 53.890 315.129 Notas: Countries included in the Rest of European Union: Bulgary, Chipre, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonian, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta and Romania Fuente: National Statistics Institute