High Technology Indicators Results based on Legal Units Internal R&D indicators in the high and medium-high technology sectors by autonomous communities. Results based on Legal Units Unidades: Specified in each indicator Expenses in internal R&D. Total (thousands of euros) Internal investment in R&D/Internal investment in R&D nationally (%) Staff engaged in R&D. Total (FTE) Staff engaged in R&D/Staff engaged in R&D nationally (%) National Total 6.688.555 100 75.135,9 100 01. Andalusia 320.453 4,8 4.744,7 6,3 02. Aragón 154.386 2,3 2.028,1 2,7 03. Asturias, Principado de 70.180 1,1 1.022,1 1,4 04. Balears, Illes 36.851 0,6 581,6 0,8 05. Canarias 38.933 0,6 709 0,9 06. Cantabria 29.696 0,4 434,5 0,6 07. Castilla y León 366.675 5,5 3.138,9 4,2 08. Castilla - La Mancha 159.775 2,4 1.240,2 1,7 09. Cataluña 1.811.372 27,1 18.060,8 24 10. Comunitat Valenciana 411.517 6,2 6.326,1 8,4 11. Extremadura 13.589 0,2 230,1 0,3 12. Galicia 232.735 3,5 3.340,3 4,5 13. Madrid, Comunidad de 1.906.216 28,5 19.620,5 26,1 14. Murcia, Región de 64.652 1 1.166,6 1,6 15. Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 100.425 1,5 1.358,4 1,8 16. País Vasco 961.468 14,4 10.921,4 14,5 17. Rioja, La 9.632 0,1 212,7 0,3 Notas: FTE: Full Time Equivalence 2) Source: Statistics on Scientific Research and Technological Development (R&D) activities 3) The data for Ceuta and Melilla are not provided as they lack significance. 4) High Technology Sector as per CNAE 2009: 20, 21, 25.4, 26, 27-29, 30 except 30.1, 32.5, 59-63 and 72. 5) The change of nomenclature in the literals is for the sake of greater clarity and is not a methodological change. Fuente: National Statistics Institute