Statistics on Affiliates of Spanish Companies Abroad Main results Results by Size interval (employed persons) and main variables. Unidades: economic figures in thousands of euros Number of enterprises Number of persons employed Turnover Personnel costs Gross material investment Fewer than 10 2.490 6.279 34.752.223 7.978.915 16.201.406 From 10 to 19 550 7.518 6.311.050 2.683.202 2.906.894 From 20 to 49 853 27.385 18.620.437 9.203.167 17.960.169 From 50 to 99 359 25.396 13.302.791 2.787.070 5.649.121 From 100 to 249 414 66.887 20.837.293 4.697.386 8.635.631 From 250 to 499 228 79.752 22.308.070 5.094.309 7.417.837 From 500 to 999 133 94.059 20.226.350 2.210.435 3.074.941 More than 1000 153 439.245 75.752.728 8.536.660 9.046.276 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute