Statistics on Affiliates of Spanish Companies Abroad Main results Results by geographical area, activity sector and main variables. Unidades: economic figures in thousands of euros Number of enterprises Number of persons employed Turnover Personnel costs Gross material investment Eurozone Total 1.975 160.555 65.988.912 10.100.464 26.358.508 Industry 390 40.841 18.836.012 5.648.290 10.219.780 Construction 250 6.079 1.681.295 176.964 210.965 Trade 726 72.564 24.988.149 1.734.163 4.142.640 Services 609 41.071 20.483.456 2.541.047 11.785.123 Rest of the European Union Total 434 43.416 9.221.730 4.205.887 4.472.787 Industry 107 24.483 4.965.216 1.353.366 1.283.930 Construction 132 2.452 681.771 52.535 65.814 Trade 100 13.221 2.474.335 204.319 236.162 Services 95 3.260 1.100.408 2.595.667 2.886.881 Rest of Europe Total 599 61.115 33.024.353 5.454.176 9.322.396 Industry 148 25.942 8.694.508 528.576 932.302 Construction 60 1.494 912.522 32.880 168.137 Trade 126 26.595 21.445.710 1.248.864 1.914.724 Services 265 7.084 1.971.613 3.643.856 6.307.233 America Total 1.604 397.524 80.805.791 18.809.361 24.774.760 Industry 383 79.986 23.994.481 5.480.807 6.651.663 Construction 285 36.711 9.309.514 2.101.554 2.496.314 Trade 219 38.115 18.254.317 930.065 389.737 Services 717 242.712 29.247.479 10.296.935 15.237.046 Asia Total 367 59.032 16.824.388 2.932.984 3.167.158 Industry 136 25.372 6.134.127 2.598.958 2.475.436 Construction 40 2.214 731.039 70.797 71.597 Trade 123 16.640 8.553.170 184.588 545.021 Services 68 14.806 1.406.052 78.641 75.104 Rest of the world Total 201 24.879 6.245.768 1.688.272 2.796.666 Industry 74 12.194 4.072.844 1.289.910 1.610.764 Construction 47 1.876 937.925 164.296 140.102 Trade 39 5.927 994.739 81.633 881.023 Services 41 4.882 240.260 152.433 164.777 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute