NON-FORMAL EDUCATION ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT DURING PAID WORKING HOURS Non-formal education activities undertaken in the last 12 months according to whether or not each activity was undertaken in paid working hours by gender and employment status at the start of the activity of the persons undertaking it Units: número de actividades Total actividades de educación no formal realizadas Total o en su mayor parte en horas de trabajo remuneradas Total o en su mayor parte fuera de horas de trabajo remuneradas No trabajaba en ese momento Negativa/No sabe Ambos sexos Total 32,304,536 13,570,990 12,574,807 5,972,458 186,281 Ocupado 25,680,853 13,375,338 12,157,852 .. 131,042 Desempleado 3,099,836 57,121 217,262 2,823,531 .. Inactivo 3,348,773 59,049 166,855 3,105,726 .. Negativa/No sabe 175,074 79,482 32,838 .. 36,175 Hombres Total 14,805,177 7,375,161 5,054,308 2,275,693 100,015 Ocupado 12,215,070 7,263,412 4,877,071 .. 71,079 Desempleado 1,215,032 .. 96,803 1,085,928 .. Inactivo 1,273,452 .. 61,743 1,175,213 .. Negativa/No sabe 101,623 48,729 .. .. .. Mujeres Total 17,499,359 6,195,829 7,520,499 3,696,765 86,266 Ocupado 13,465,783 6,111,926 7,280,781 .. 59,962 Desempleado 1,884,804 25,265 120,459 1,737,604 .. Inactivo 2,075,322 27,885 105,111 1,930,513 .. Negativa/No sabe 73,451 .. .. .. .. Notes: 1) '..'= Dato con un número de observaciones inferior a 20 Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística