Structural Enterprise Statistics: Services Sector Magnitudes regionalizadas por comunidades y ciudades autónomas Units: Persons, Thousands Euros, Premises TOTAL SERVICES SECTOR 2021 2020 2019 2018 National Total Número de locales 2,234,798 1,530,098 1,524,549 1,456,011 Net turnover 587,941,499 430,768,542 530,619,429 497,431,033 Salaries and wages 143,951,082 107,053,740 119,853,987 109,158,905 Gross investment in tangible assets 39,958,984 31,658,975 33,855,098 33,583,503 Employed persons 7,815,207 5,895,704 6,188,653 5,931,106 01 Andalucía Número de locales 347,294 230,456 231,025 219,125 Net turnover 58,456,982 39,498,275 50,152,289 45,293,059 Salaries and wages 15,725,868 11,066,670 13,047,071 11,495,990 Gross investment in tangible assets 3,461,507 2,553,855 3,167,084 3,325,942 Employed persons 1,088,328 798,481 853,607 800,080 02 Aragón Número de locales 58,377 39,677 39,624 37,151 Net turnover 11,641,693 8,515,831 9,916,489 9,675,872 Salaries and wages 3,174,427 2,351,878 2,655,029 2,418,756 Gross investment in tangible assets 842,027 570,966 570,570 654,087 Employed persons 193,936 144,055 154,420 147,380 03 Asturias, Principado de Número de locales 44,383 30,931 30,946 30,458 Net turnover 7,386,815 5,152,997 6,122,063 6,071,324 Salaries and wages 2,018,223 1,479,055 1,705,166 1,585,551 Gross investment in tangible assets 316,986 219,677 261,246 319,602 Employed persons 138,606 100,283 108,785 106,216 04 Balears, Illes Número de locales 68,130 51,179 50,261 47,761 Net turnover 16,958,720 10,846,297 24,433,618 23,283,407 Salaries and wages 3,821,480 2,521,957 4,166,679 3,872,237 Gross investment in tangible assets 1,613,971 983,603 1,426,409 1,736,888 Employed persons 217,916 171,053 205,978 198,775 05 Canarias Número de locales 101,619 73,809 74,378 71,054 Net turnover 20,791,471 14,692,188 23,688,846 22,324,034 Salaries and wages 4,954,864 3,790,833 5,268,933 4,946,236 Gross investment in tangible assets 1,885,487 977,602 1,504,336 1,714,571 Employed persons 358,578 292,933 322,970 310,346 06 Cantabria Número de locales 25,197 17,315 16,523 16,271 Net turnover 4,291,411 3,078,292 3,578,332 3,479,115 Salaries and wages 1,230,703 896,937 963,739 907,472 Gross investment in tangible assets 209,227 145,764 192,716 218,498 Employed persons 83,890 58,859 61,306 59,701 07 Castilla y León Número de locales 97,225 63,281 63,137 62,178 Net turnover 15,470,591 10,950,064 13,251,885 12,537,598 Salaries and wages 4,425,453 3,170,907 3,599,995 3,254,588 Gross investment in tangible assets 1,104,912 877,404 1,023,838 1,189,773 Employed persons 313,305 218,814 235,136 228,896 08 Castilla - La Mancha Número de locales 70,574 48,849 47,549 45,298 Net turnover 11,720,351 8,795,575 9,687,964 9,066,761 Salaries and wages 2,991,690 2,163,986 2,318,323 2,092,149 Gross investment in tangible assets 658,401 600,483 529,353 612,466 Employed persons 218,296 159,541 162,093 152,900 09 Cataluña Número de locales 434,626 298,610 301,868 285,233 Net turnover 115,704,979 85,524,062 105,795,108 97,655,557 Salaries and wages 30,550,166 22,601,666 25,024,702 22,943,348 Gross investment in tangible assets 7,331,899 6,141,087 7,000,837 5,928,052 Employed persons 1,520,013 1,137,291 1,194,381 1,150,110 10 Comunitat Valenciana Número de locales 242,512 160,452 158,878 150,594 Net turnover 47,424,420 33,214,292 38,657,278 35,838,096 Salaries and wages 11,714,206 8,196,481 8,929,487 8,221,157 Gross investment in tangible assets 3,063,805 2,165,735 2,718,027 2,632,686 Employed persons 747,656 549,589 565,884 540,955 11 Extremadura Número de locales 37,613 24,464 24,562 23,956 Net turnover 4,774,134 3,627,264 3,852,831 3,543,554 Salaries and wages 1,289,364 917,841 964,527 880,236 Gross investment in tangible assets 463,306 312,395 369,385 334,537 Employed persons 113,434 76,607 76,867 76,030 12 Galicia Número de locales 128,340 80,960 80,119 77,454 Net turnover 22,565,799 17,116,715 18,956,454 17,718,926 Salaries and wages 5,490,595 4,120,014 4,472,322 4,112,102 Gross investment in tangible assets 1,063,053 1,085,979 1,188,140 1,141,034 Employed persons 374,238 267,927 284,219 274,345 13 Madrid, Comunidad de Número de locales 401,353 278,147 278,023 264,640 Net turnover 200,094,941 155,153,962 183,152,657 173,948,270 Salaries and wages 43,385,730 34,412,135 36,688,552 33,037,661 Gross investment in tangible assets 14,908,356 13,101,946 11,634,127 11,508,182 Employed persons 1,748,159 1,397,531 1,424,139 1,358,813 14 Murcia, Región de Número de locales 58,543 37,531 37,134 36,022 Net turnover 11,660,777 8,747,861 9,497,205 8,723,970 Salaries and wages 2,918,670 2,126,526 2,198,599 2,030,283 Gross investment in tangible assets 796,485 433,085 530,125 591,785 Employed persons 198,342 145,799 152,443 144,704 15 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de Número de locales 24,814 18,270 18,400 17,822 Net turnover 5,969,924 4,168,864 4,967,498 4,594,502 Salaries and wages 1,794,682 1,167,150 1,357,941 1,218,034 Gross investment in tangible assets 408,808 335,292 335,202 242,177 Employed persons 91,651 66,118 71,046 66,778 16 País Vasco Número de locales 77,319 62,281 59,542 58,946 Net turnover 25,708,613 19,597,927 22,422,612 21,330,582 Salaries and wages 7,659,549 5,464,353 5,847,334 5,541,836 Gross investment in tangible assets 1,676,021 1,057,341 1,276,696 1,249,268 Employed persons 352,701 267,515 272,732 272,937 17 Rioja, La Número de locales 14,383 10,326 9,401 8,856 Net turnover 2,469,257 1,563,484 1,815,602 1,708,028 Salaries and wages 613,205 430,965 464,985 426,664 Gross investment in tangible assets 133,445 81,134 113,458 164,932 Employed persons 43,628 30,810 30,254 29,799 18 Ceuta Número de locales 1,503 1,597 1,367 1,384 Net turnover 4,456,755 295,869 353,096 327,374 Salaries and wages 95,181 95,998 91,457 84,965 Gross investment in tangible assets 7,003 7,938 8,937 8,892 Employed persons 6,039 5,942 5,821 5,677 19 Melilla Número de locales 993 1,964 1,814 1,809 Net turnover 393,865 228,723 317,603 311,005 Salaries and wages 97,028 78,387 89,148 89,642 Gross investment in tangible assets 14,286 7,691 4,614 10,133 Employed persons 6,493 6,558 6,574 6,665 Notes: 1) The results by Autonomous Community do not include Section R nor Division 96 of CNAE-2009 To obtain the results by Autonomous Community, the Local Unit whose main acti vity is Services is considered a statistical unit. These local units may be p art of Enterprises whose activity is included in other sectors and, in this c ase, their data at the Enterprise level is not included in the Services secto r. Another difference between this regional data (by premises) and the nation al data (by enterprises) is that only in the latter is it necessary to apply internal flow consolidations to each enterprise. This explains why the total turnover is somewhat higher in regional data than in national data. Source: National Statistics Institute