Statistics on Biotechnology Use Business Sector Biotechnology indicators by relevance of biotechnology in the company's activity. Unidades: Specified in each variable Total Main Secondary Tool required Companies carrying out R&D in Biotechnology 1.444 629 262 553 % Companies by type of biotechnology used: Genetic Code 30,7 39,9 25,7 22,5 % Companies by type of biotechnology used: Functional Units 37,6 46,4 39,8 26,5 % Companies by type of biotechnology used: Cell and Tissue Culture and Engineering 21,3 26,3 20 16,2 % Companies by type of biotechnology used: Bioprocesses 50,9 42,3 57 58 % Companies by type of biotechnology used: Subcellular Organisms 8,1 11,6 5,5 5,2 % Companies by type of biotechnology used: Bioinformatics 22,6 32,3 21 12,5 % Companies by type of biotechnology used: Nanobiotechnology 9,8 14,5 10,1 4,4 % Companies by type of biotechnology used: Other 16,9 18,1 19,5 14,2 % Companies by final application areas of biotechnology use: Human Health 44,3 65 33,6 25,9 % Companies by final application areas of biotechnology use: Animal Health and Aquaculture 15,8 16,9 18 13,5 % Companies by final application areas of biotechnology use: Food Products 30,7 24,8 30,6 37,5 % Companies by final application areas of biotechnology use: Agriculture and Forestry 24,9 21,3 28,7 27,3 % Companies by final application areas of biotechnology use: Environment 16,9 17,9 20,5 14,2 % Companies by final application areas of biotechnology use: Industry 12,6 13,1 15,9 10,4 R&D personnel in Biotechnology (PP) 17.743 8.842 3.407 5.494 R&D personnel in Biotechnology (PP): Research personnel 9.445 5.239 1.814 2.392 R&D personnel in Biotechnology (PP): Technical and auxiliary personnel 8.298 3.603 1.594 3.101 R&D personnel in Biotechnology (PP). Women 9.907 5.154 1.970 2.782 R&D personnel in Biotechnology (PP). Women: Research personnel 5.104 2.942 1.011 1.151 R&D personnel in Biotechnology (PP). Women: Technical and auxiliary personnel 4.802 2.212 959 1.632 R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE) 12.993,4 7.060,1 2.147,6 3.785,7 R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE): Research personnel 7.069,9 4.263,3 1.145,5 1.661,1 R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE): Technical and auxiliary personnel 5.923,6 2.796,8 1.002,1 2.124,7 R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE). Women 7.471,8 4.169,3 1.295,3 2.007,3 R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE). Women: Research personnel 3.870,1 2.420,4 630,8 819 R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE). Women: Technical and auxiliary personnel 3.601,6 1.748,9 664,5 1.188,2 Expenditure on internal R&D in Biotechnology (thousands of euros) 1.223.801 670.507 216.401 336.893 1) By type of expenditure: Current expenditure 1.108.189 604.206 191.555 312.429 1.1) Labour expenditure of research personnel 360.922 207.759 64.211 88.953 1.2) Labour expenditure of technical and auxiliary personnel 220.540 104.553 29.638 86.349 1.3) Other current expenditure 526.727 291.895 97.706 137.126 2) By type of expenditure: Capital expenditure 115.612 66.301 24.847 24.464 2.1) Land and buildings 16.843 12.566 799 3.478 2.2) Equipment and tools 63.527 33.190 12.906 17.431 2.3) Acquisition of specific R&D software 3.959 2.511 548 900 2.4) Other R&D-specific IP products 31.284 18.033 10.594 2.656 1.1) By origin of funds: Own funds 860.603 442.509 148.111 269.983 1.2) By origin of funds: Funds from the Business sector 128.002 86.860 21.937 19.205 1.3) By origin of funds: Funds from the Public Administration sector 119.498 69.092 24.659 25.748 1.4) By origin of funds: Funds from the Higher Education sector 647 620 0 28 1.5) By origin of funds: Funds from the Private Non-Profit Institutions sector 12.986 9.058 0 3.927 1.6) By origin of funds: Funds from the rest of the world 102.065 62.369 21.694 18.002 Purchase of R&D services (external R&D) in Biotechnology (thousands of euros) 123.396 113.418 5.801 4.177 Purchase of R&D services (external R&D) in Biotechnology (thousands of euros): In Spain 88.985 80.703 4.777 3.505 Purchase of R&D services (external R&D) in Biotechnology (thousands of euros): In the rest of the world 34.412 32.714 1.024 673 % Companies that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Access to capital 39,8 50,1 36,6 29,6 % Companies that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Access to technology/information 15,3 13,3 19,2 15,7 % Companies that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Access to human resources 22,3 24 21,2 20,9 % Companies that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Disconnection from the value chain 12,1 10,8 15,9 11,7 % Companies that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Lack of access to international markets 17,1 17,6 21,4 14,4 % Companies that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Lack of distribution and marketing channels 17,8 20,3 20,6 13,7 % Companies that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Public acceptance/perception 16 17,9 18,2 12,8 % Companies that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Legal and regulatory requirements 41,4 46,2 41,9 35,8 % Companies that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Time/cost 50,2 57,5 50,1 42 % Companies that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Difficult access to patenting 20,1 21,8 22,6 17 % Companies with international revenues related to biotechnology activities 22,7 30,6 21,8 14,2 % Companies representing international revenues related to biotechnology activities 2,1 13,2 0,4 2,2 % International revenues related to biotechnology activities distributed in: Revenues from the EU 60,6 62,9 52,4 59,7 % International revenues related to biotechnology activities distributed in: Revenues from the rest of the world 39,4 37,1 47,6 40,3 % International revenues related to biotechnology activities by classification: International trade in goods and services 87,8 79,4 98 99,1 % International revenues related to biotechnology activities by classification: Milestones, royalties, sale or licensing of technologies outside Spain 10,1 17,6 0 0 % International revenues related to biotechnology activities by classification: Subsidies from external sources 1,4 1,7 2 0,7 % International revenues related to biotechnology activities by classification: Other 0,8 1,2 0 0,2 Notas: Data referring to all companies that carry out internal R&D in Biotechnology. 2) ' .'= numeric data equal to zero not resulting from rounding 3) FTE: Full-Time Equivalence Fuente: National Statistics Institute