Living Conditions Survey (ECV) Coeficiente de Gini Units: Number 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Gini Coefficient 32.0 33.0 32.1 33.0 33.2 34.1 34.5 34.6 34.7 33.7 34.2 34.0 33.5 32.9 32.4 Gini Coefficient (with imputed rent) 29.3 30.3 29.6 30.4 30.4 31.1 31.5 31.6 31.7 31.1 31.5 31.2 30.7 30.5 29.9 Notes: 1) In the Living Conditions Survey, the inputs used for the calculation of varia bles such as income and at-risk-of-poverty rate always correspond to the prev ious year. Gini Coefficient: accumulated proportion of the population arranged by the in come equivalent to the accumulated proportion of the income received by them. It is a measure of inequality that takes value 0 in case of perfect equity and value 100 in case of perfect inequality. Gini Coefficient, Gini (with imputed rent): The definition of household inco me includes imputed rent. Imputed rent is applied to those households that do not pay complete rent, due to being the homeowners, or to occupying a rented dwelling at a price that is lower than the market price, or free of charge. The value imputed is equivalent to the rent that would be paid on the market for a dwelling that is similar to that occupied, less any rent actually paid. Likewise, the interest on the loans requested for purchasing the main dwelli ng are deducted from the total household income. Source: National Statistics Institute