Housing conditions and energy efficiency Households suffering from certain household and surroundings issues by income quintile per unit of consumption. Unidades: Percentages. Little natural light Noise from the neighbourhood or outside Pollution and other environmental issues Delinquency or vandalism No issues Total 8,6 24 10,7 13,8 62,1 First quintile 11,3 25,6 11,6 16,4 58,6 Second quintile 10,2 25,2 10,4 13,7 59,6 Third quintile 8,6 24 11,1 14,6 62 Fourth quintile 7,5 24,6 10,7 13 62,2 Fifth quintile 5,7 20,7 9,5 11,3 67,7 Notas: Income per unit of consumption is obtained, for each household, by dividing total household income by the number of units of consumption. The distribution of persons is taken. Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística